For Z

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Dear Z,
Is it awkward that you're my best friend? Is it weird because we were once in love?
I still love you but not in that way. You're my best friend and if I lost that I don't know what I would do because you still mean so much to me.
Before we stopped talking after the break up, you said "just be safe, I don't want to lose anyone else." I don't think you realize that I still follow that every day.
The day I stupidly broke up with you, I was in a dark place and slipping worse like a steep slope. I did stuff I regret.
But almost a year after that, we're both happier. I've got K and you have S and we both are in better places. We're still there for each other and that's all I could ever ask for.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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