hi everyone! this is something i feel like i have been trying to write forever...each time it eludes me, and i just can't get the characters right. one in particular; kaien cross. it's easy to picture his character in my mind, all the little nuances and ways he treats people. i see the gleam in his eyes and know what it means; i can see practically every scene in my head, and im desperate for everyone else to see it too, but there's this...need...to give it breath in the way only a movie would. unfortunately, i can't film a movie right now :p i want to someday, even if it's just a little cosplay thing. these characters beg sometimes to be written, shown. it's only fair that i give them what they want, right?


anyways. if you're still here after my long, rambly, unedited, blurb, then yay! i promise to give you the best of these characters, and the worst. there's going to be some cameo appearances in later chapters of other anime/manga characters, so keep an eye out for that!! :) i think you'll enjoy it. hopefully. 

there are some trigger warnings with this story. they're mild, but i just wanted to address them. there is a mention of dubious consent (one of the characters mentions it happening years ago to them). another big mention is there is a suicide attempt in this story, and i don't know if it will hit home with anyone. 

that's all really..

-cathy holch

edit: okay apparently giving this damn thing time was not what it needed. i'm not any closer to writing this than i was in 2018. i'm sorry. 

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