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"Good evening, everybody. I have an important announcement." Dexter, a boy genius, spoke clearly into the microphone while his sister, Dee Dee, was trying to find some buttons she could press.

"There have been a few reports on some weird planet coming into our world. Numbuh 1 has more information." He handed the microphone to KND Sector V leader, Numbuh 1.

"Thank you, Dexter. Yes. It had been confirmed that the one they call "Lord Fuse" has plans to take control of our world."

This caused a panic to sweep the team.

"Oh no. WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" Bubbles from the PowerPuff Girls started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Listen everyone. I'll tell you what we're not going to do. We're not going to panic. We're not going to" Numbuh 1 spoke before he was interrupted.

"LOOK OUT!!!" KND Decommissioner, Numbuh 86 yelled.

Suddenly, a wave of meteors hit a building. More came crashing down as a green planet came closer to Earth.

"Attention. I am Lord Fuse. Ruler of Planet Fusion. Here's the deal. I need your planet. Hand it over. Or you all will never see the light of day again!" This creepy guy in a robe showed up.

"Never. We would never just give up earth like that." Blossom stepped forward.

"You know what they say. The toast is always buttered to perfection." Ed stated.

"You're an idiot, Ed." Eddy face palmed.

"Okay then. Say goodbye to your friends & families!" Lord Fuse cackled & these weird monsters attacked the base.

"RUN!!!" Bubbles yelled & soon everyone was running away in different directions.

Monsters blocked off anyone who tried to escape. Soon enough they grabbed hold of helpless victims.

"Let go of me!" Buttercup tried to wiggle her way out.

"BUTTERCUP!!!" Both Blossom & Bubbles went over to save their sister, but the monster had already escaped with her.

"KUKI!!!" Numbuh 4 ran over to another monster, who had his girlfriend.

Before he even got there, it took her away.

"ED! EDDY! HELP ME!!!" Double D was the next to be captured.

"DOUBLE D!! NOOOOOO!!!" Ed grabbed Eddy & ran over to help their friend.

But it was too late.

More victims were captured while the rest found a way out.

Thanks to a certain creature, everyone had to split up.

All the others had to do...

Was have hope that their families & friends were safe.


Welcome to FusionFall everybody!

Get ready for fighting, romance & a whole lot of character development.

Hopefully the ones that were captured are okay.

Especially everyone's favourite Sockhead!

Anyway, thx for sticking by this long hiatus!

From a very busy girl,

~ Ellie (CrystalTwins4Life)

Toon Teams: A FusionFall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now