Rapunzel story

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 One upon a time Rapunzel got married with Eugene rider after a few months Rapunzel was pregnant and had a girl and a boy. the boy was older the boy was named Ethan and the girl name was Olivia. Rapunzel was really happy one day her cousin came over.Anna and Elsa Rapunzel said that Eugene an i were gonna go out to dinner.Rapunzel said if Anna and Elsa could watch them they said yes and Rapunzel and Eugene went to dinner Rapunzel was wearing a beautiful red dress at the kingdom Anna and Elsa where children  playing with the kids Anna said she was going to the bathroom and Elsa was going to get milk for the babies Elsa put the babies in the up stair room and she went back down stair to get the milk.Rapunzel and Eugene where going home because Rapunzel said i miss the children then Rapunzel started begging to go home and see her children.Eugene was fine so they were going back home.when anna got out of the bathroom she went upstairs to see the babies but they weren't in the cribe.Anna was freaking out when the weren't in the cribe.Anna and Elsa looked every where for them but no luck.Rapunzel came home with Eugene. Anna and Elsa explained every thing to them Rapunzel was crying.Rapunzel was looking around her kingdom when Rapunzel was searching over the kingdom and then he saw a a girl and a boy and it was her kid in a trash can then they went back home and lived happily ever after the end.



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