Chapter 1

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'Dear Mr. Shimada and McCree
I am sorry to write you this letter. I am a nurse at a science facility named Strike. I shall leave my name unknown seeing as when you get this, I shall be dead. But, I am not the important topic. She is. They call her 38789, I call her Floof. She is the first of many like her. Creating a child of two DNA strands with the same gender has never worked. Until her. As far as I am concerned she has no name. No child does. They are weapons. Designed to kill their predecessor. Everyday it is the same, the fighting, the testing, the death. I beg of you, help. While I am writing this 38789 is six. I will not be sure how old she will be when you two receive this, but I hope this letter reaches you in time. I hope the sacrifices I have made does not go up in vain. I wish nothing more but these children to have a normal life. They did not ask to be created, and yet, they are being punished. I understand if you do not want her but I beg do not let her die here, do not hate her, don't destroy the small amount of hope she has for this world.
Sincerely, A Sorry Nurse.'

McCree finished, a small chuckle leaving his lips. He looked to Hanzo, who had his award winning straight face. "I get fans send'n us letters but, this is gettin' outta hand. Don'tcha thing, Sugarcube? " Hanzo only nodded. The thought of actually having a blood child with Jesse seemed absurd. It was no secret the couple had wanted a child but, everyone knew two men cannot create life like a woman. "The idea of calling a child 'Floof' and the fact this woman did not state her name? Obviously it is a fake." Hanzo said. Jesse nodded, throwing the letter in the trash. He walked over to Hanzo and wrapped his arms around the small male. "Besides, never ina million years 'ave I heard the name Strike." The two stayed like that until dinner and continued to explain the odd letter to the rest of OverWatch. Everyone agreed it was just some silly prank and Winston went into the explanation of why such a child could not be born using the DNA of two males and no female. By the time everyone was in bed the strange letter had been forgotten.

A/N- This is a trail chapter, which is why it's so small. It's basically just the letter and what went down before the mission. PLEASE understand that this is my own idea's. I have read many Mchanzo fanfictions but none has had a child, let alone a biological child. When looking upon Wattpad I hadn't found a book like this one so I thought I'd make one. I used the idea of using DNA to create life because, i'm a HUGE Jurassic Park fan and I'd thought it'd be cool. I am not sure how frequently I shall be updating because ACT Testing is going on but, I hope at least one of you comments on how you think the idea/story is.

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