The Family Business

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Title: The Family Business

Fandom(s): Teen Wolf/Supernatural

Description: Meet Stiles, a selectively mute 17-year-old boy from Beacon Hills, California. He isn't just any high schooler though. He's a werefox dealing with the guilt following a traumatizing possession. His first full moon, he shifts, running out of town and going missing for months.
Enter the Winchesters.
The best hunters in the business. Never miss a shot and always finish a case while saving more people than any other hunter. Got allies everywhere, from Heaven to Hell, and every hunter in America knows the Winchester motto, "Saving people, hunting things. The family business." To the community, they're always on top of things in the supernatural world, always on any case that's not already been taken by someone else.
To Sam and Dean, they are two lost sons who have somewhat of a clue what they're doing. Most of their hunting is on the fly and spontaneous. They've saved the world once or twice (or about 4 times, give or take), and they're tired. They've been through demons, witches, the Gates of Hell, angels, the Apocalypse. The boys just want to rest. When residents of Applewood, Missouri start turning up dead, Sam and Dean take on the case, hoping to get their minds off of everything that they've been through. When they figure out the killings weren't done by a werewolf but rather a werefox, they hunt the first they find. When the fox shifts to reveal a panicked teenager, the two stop in their tracks, not wanting his blood on their hands. Once they manage to calm him down, their work is unraveled as Castiel teleports to them to reveal some startling information.
Stiles is a Winchester.
Sam's son to be exact.
- Set middle of Supernatural Season 9, beginning of Teen Wolf Season 5
- Some information changed for the plot(Ex. Angels can fly still, Sam can still see Lucifer, etc.)


The blood roared through the fox's eardrums as he streaked through the forest, paws pounding across the forest floor. The hunters had found him, he thought he had been careful. Whiskey eyes darted around as he found himself trapped against a cliff wall, the rocks looming over him like foreboding tombstones. He started to panic and whined, his blood-orange coat standing on end as his fear grew, puffing his fur to make him look a couple times his size. Footsteps pounded behind him and he whipped around to see the hunters from earlier running towards him. The fox quickly backed himself up against the rock and whimpered, his breathing picking up in speed as he squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again, the pupils blown wide and filled with fear. The taller hunter stopped suddenly, sticking a hand against the other man's chest.

"Dean, stop." He mumbled. "It's terrified. I don't think we're going after the right monster." The other hunter, apparently a Dean, turned to his companion and gave him an incredulous look.

"You're joking, Sam. Tell me that you're fucking joking right now." He yelled, sending the fox into a further panic. "That's a monster. Doesn't matter if it's the right one or not, we put them down." The hunter told him. "Family business, Sammy."

"I know, but he just seems too terrified to be a threat." Sam said. The fox finally had enough and decided to shift, startling the two hunters into lifting their weapons. The now human held up shaking hands to cover his face as the two looked at him in shock. The boy knew he had to be a mess. His hair was most likely disheveled, he had a fair amount of stubble for someone his age, and he was pretty sure that the amount of dirt, grime, and blood that covered him couldn't be gotten rid of with a simple shower. Sam put his weapon away and tried to get Dean to do the same.

"P-Please don't k-kill me." He stammered. "M-My dad, he d-didn't do anything wr-wrong! He d-doesn't even kn-know, he's h-human, he's not l-like me." He sobbed, shaking viscously.

"It's ok, we aren't going to hurt you or your dad." Sam reassured the sobbing teen. "Dean, put the freaking gun away. He's just a kid!" The moose cried, pushing Dean's gun down and pointing it away from the kid. "Dean!" He yelled when the man paid no attention to the comment. Dean startled and looked at Sam before hesitantly putting his gun away. Sam turned around towards the boy and walked forward stopping when the fox started to panic and back away in fear. The hunter put his hands up as a gesture of innocence and watched the boy carefully. "It's ok, we aren't going to hurt you. I want to help you." He said to the boy gently, kneeling so that he was at eye level with the teen. The boy calmed down slightly, still slightly hyperventilating. There was a flutter of wings and Dean turned around to see a man in a suit and trench coat standing directly behind him. The hunter jumped slightly and looked at the man angrily as the fox's breathing picked up again.

"Cas! What the hell have I said about popping up like that?" He asked heatedly, eyes blazing.

"To not?" Cas questioned gruffly. Dean huffed and put a hand over his eyes in exasperation.

"Friggin' angels, man." He grunted, dropping his hand back to his side. "We gotta get you a bell, man." The hunter grumbled, ignoring Cas as the angel gave Dean an unamused look but didn't comment on the sarcastic suggestion.

"I apologize for the intrusion, but you cannot kill him." Cas explained, looking the other man in the eye and stepping closer as he bobbed his head towards the fox, whose eyes widened while Sam looked back to them. Dean slightly shifted uncomfortably but kept his cool demeanor up as well as eye contact with the man.

"Cas. Personal space, man." The hunter mumbled to the angel. Castiel bobbed his head and took a step back from Dean as the hunter crossed his arms defiantly. "And why not?" He asked the angel, crossing his arms over his chest. Cas sighed and broke the eye contact, and the teenager sniffed the air slightly to pick up scents of relief mixed with a bit of arousal, which flashed through his mind as amusing. The man started walking towards Sam and the teen, his trench coat trailing behind him. The fox forgot his amusement and began to hyperventilate as the anxiety began to weigh on his chest, leaving him gasping for air as tears swam in his eyes.

"Cas, stop!" Sam said. The angel ignored him and kept approaching the fox, who had backed up so far that he was trying to push himself through a solid rock wall, the force behind the attempts so great that the rock began to crack underneath him. The angel caught up to him and put two fingers on the kid's forehead.

"Sleep, Stiles." He told the boy. Panic briefly flashed in the kid's eyes before his kids drooped and he collapsed into Castiel's arms. The angel promptly gave him to Sam with a look that confused the hunter.

"Stiles? What the hell is a Stiles? I thought he was a werefox." Dean asked, glancing at his brother in time to see the 'how-the-fuck-are-we even related' bitch-face he was being given.

"Dean," Sam called. "It's a name." He explained to his dumbass of a brother.

"He has a name? You know his name?" Dean asked the angel.

"Yes," Cas answered. Dean nodded and dragged a hand over his mouth, silent for a moment. He looked to Cas in annoyance after a minute of silence filling the area with a hand gesture in the angel's direction.

"Do you care to share whatever information it is you have with the rest of the class, Cas?" The hunter asked him sarcastically. The angel nodded, turning to Sam gravely, his monotone expression giving away nothing to the confused moose-man.

"You can't kill him because he's your son."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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