Human Nature

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Why am I complaining the same way year after year

This old game is wearing me out and I'm sure you're tired too

Because every time you talk to me this is what you hear

And I'm so fucking sorry I don't have much better to say

I wish I did, but then I wish I wasn't so riddled by fear

No one likes the messenger

The one who says what's really important

Everyone hates a messenger

Even if everything they say is true

It doesn't matter

Human nature

For every word I type my dissatisfaction only grows

It just doesn't matter how much I say or what the words are

Because tomorrow, today, yesterday, it's still all lows

That won't stop just because I cry into a microphone

I would try to move away but what if this just follows

I hate being a messenger

I wish I was anyone else in the world

Someone who was good at this

Someone who could sing and write

Visceral and emotional

But it won't happen

Even now I'm left with this blank page with nothing

Just some shit scrawled on paper that'll be shredded

God knows I can't let anyone read this kind of thing

Civil minds don't write poems with language like this

Civil hands don't tap keys to songs no one would sing

But here I am, and I'm still trying to get a point across

It's a dark world out there, just turn back now

Don't follow your dreams, because they're actual nightmares

You'll grow up and get big and find that you're still too small

And the weight of the world, will, eventually, crush us all

The weight of your decisions will crush you, too

Keep thinking everything is fine and maybe

Maybe you'll believe your own lie.

Human NatureWhere stories live. Discover now