Chapter 1

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*music playing from a car disc*

I'm not the type to get my heart broken

I'm not the type to get upset and cry

'Cause I never leave my heart open

Never hurts me to say goodbye

Relationships don't get deep to me

Never got the whole in-love thing

And someone can say they love me truly

But at the time it didn't mean a thing...

My mind is gone

I'm spinning round

And deep inside

My tears I'll drown

I'm losing grip

What's happening?

I stray from love

This is how I feel

This time was different

Felt like I was just the victim

And it cut me like a knife

When you walked out of my life

Now I'm in this condition

And I got all the symptoms

Of a girl with a broken heart

But no matter what

You'll never see me CRY...

Cleopatra let the lyrics of 'Cry' by Rihanna flow from her car Dj as she sped across the country. It's been 2 weeks since she broke up with Dave and she could still remember how nasty it had been. Although if she was honest with herself, she would admit that the break up had been inevitable, like a time bomb waiting to implode. She and Dave had simply grown apart. They had been friends for a long time before they had decided to date; obviously, it had been a bad idea. Maybe Cleopatra would have cared a little bit if Dave had been mature enough to have a clean break up with her. All that nonsense about been too afraid of her reaction to breakup was just what it was...'nonsense'.

He had been too afraid to break up with her but had enough guts to cheat on her with the squeaky sassy blonde. It was not that the blob was better looking than her, God! She will not even be described as good looking. Granted, she had nice curves but still...

Nothing worse than been cheated on by your boyfriend with someone you know you're better than, in every way. Anyways, whatever! Cleopatra was not one to dwell on residue feelings. Nah! That never happened. But still she wished she and Dave had stayed friends. They had a good thing going on. Snapping out of it, Cleopatra sang along with Rihanna as she thought "oh! It's gonna be exciting to fall in love again."

And then after unpacking a few things which she thought she might need urgently, Cleo decided to take a stroll and check out the neighborhood. Feeling as filthy as ever, she decided to wash off the 100-mile drive to Downings Street. Putting on a pair of black jeans and a blue tank top bearing her arms and shoulders, she tied her crimson colored hair in a ponytail and set out the front door. The neighborhood seemed quiet during this time of the day but Cleo could tell it was a very nice neighborhood. Perfect for finding rich young men to leach on/. Well, not really leach but you know...she was not a gold digger, she was doing well enough on her own, but sometimes men who kept insisting on showing off their wealth, brought out that side of her. Not that she was complaining it was usually fun. She loved money! And pretty things! But then again, who did not like money and pretty things? Answer-no one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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