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She could see it in the distance. The last taco was just sitting there on the University Cafeteria buffet table, waiting to be eaten by someone. Nora's mouth watered at the thought of eating the taco, people had commented on her obsession with tacos in the past but knew not to get in her way when it came to her eating.

With each step closer she came to the seductive food, her anticipation grew. Skipping breakfast that morning had not been a smart idea, mentally scolding herself she finally reached the buffet table. Just as her hand reached for the delicious food another appeared. Before she could slap the hand away, it grabbed her prized taco. Letting out a gasp Nora turned to the owner of the hand and theft.

"Hey! That's mine!" Nora exclaimed. The man turned at the sound of her voice, looking from her to the taco clutched in his hand a couple of times before he simply shrugged ignoring her and turned to leave.

"Hey! I’m talking to you!" Nora was getting frustrated and angry at the man by this point. Not particularly a good mix when it came to the topic of tacos with Nora.

"I didn’t see your name on it" the obnoxious man replied looking down on her. In a flash Nora grabbed the taco from the hand of the man and smashed it on his face.

"It had your faces name on it!" she mimicked in an obnoxious high-pitched voice

"It was my freaking taco,” she mumbled to the man before turning and leaving a cafeteria full of confused people in her wake



This is probably one of the most random things I've ever written, I wrote this for a friend and I was kinda hungry at the moment haha.

The original image for the cover: http://static.tumblr.com/8036b6d07e9e739448e2c9df96656e7b/hmc6vne/Hkkmom7zl/tumblr_static_pdp_taco_supreme.png

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