Chapter 1

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Sarah's eyes flickered around the darkness of the basement she was being held captive in, her arms hugging her pulled-up knees. The girl's straight, shoulder-length brown hair was nappy and unkept, and her bright pink t-shirt was noticeably filthy. Sarah had a creamy, moth-eaten blanket draped across her shoulders, and she looked rather skinny.

The young girl — who was about sixteen years old — had been trapped inside the basement of a house that she didn't recognize for well over a week. At least, that's what Sarah believed. She had stopped counting a while ago. Her captor was a freaky guy with bleached, leathery skin and a smile carved into the corners of his lips. He never blinked as well, leaving Sarah to assume that he had no eyelids. The creepy guy would come down to the basement almost everyday with a bowl of food — most of the time practically inedible. Sarah never dared let her guard down around him. Despite his overall quirky personality, the girl listened to her instincts and didn't trust him.

Sarah recalled her moments of capture — as she did sometimes on a daily basis. The girl was walking home from her friend's house after having a heated argument with her. Irritated, Sarah wasn't paying attention to her surroundings as she walked along the sidewalk of her neighborhood to her house.

The girl was being stalked at a distance, and she wasn't fully aware of it until a pale white hand jutted out from a nearby bush and grabbed her by the wrist. Sarah had initially screamed and attempted to twist her hand out of the white hand's grip, however she wasn't strong enough — especially with her bulky school bag slung around her shoulder. Sarah had been pulled off of the sidewalk, and a white cloth was pressed up against her mouth and nose as her back was held against someone's chest. It didn't take long for whatever the cloth was dosed with to take effect, and Sarah had soon fell unconscious.

If it weren't for Sarah walking home by herself at night, then perhaps someone would've seen her disappear under the glowing streetlight. But unfortunately, her kidnapping was left unknown to anyone. A day in that cursed basement didn't go by where Sarah wondered how much her family was trying to find her. Surely they missed her as much as she did them. They must have.

The creepy guy — who called himself Jeff — was her kidnapper. He had left behind a bright red dog bowl with a half-cooked steak inside. There was a plastic white cup of non-filtered water next to it, as well as a plastic fork and knife. It was strange how Jeff was attempting to keep her fed. There was even a bathroom in the basement for the girl to use. The steak in the bowl was only half-eaten, as Sarah was desperate for something edible but not willing to die from food poisoning or salmonella before she could have the chance at being found alive by rescuers.

Sarah was trying to get some shut-eye, but it was hard to knowing that there was a potential psychopath upstairs. Not to mention that the darkness was making her paranoid after having to put up with staying in it for so long. Sarah sighed as she attempted to lie down. There was a flattened pillow that she rested her head on, however it only provided little comfort.

"I need to get out of here soon," Sarah mumbled to herself, shifting on the gray concrete floor and letting out a sigh. Despite her growing fear of the shadowy basement around her, Sarah felt her eyelids drooping. "Hopefully that Jeff guy won't make a surprise visit," she added quietly. "He just came down not too long ago, so I shouldn't be too worried." These thoughts have Sarah some slight comfort, and she allowed herself to fully drift off.

Sarah needed to escape, but how on Earth was she going to do that?


Hey guys! This is my first story that I'll be posting onto Wattpad. It's also my first Creepypasta fanfiction. I hope it's a decent read for you guys! Votes and comments are both appreciated. Thanks! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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