Werner x Reader (Kind of a test story)

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You were wandering around some sort of... well it was obviously a house but just who's house was it exactly?

You were so confused, you didn't know how on earth you got here and honestly you wouldn't mind if you weren't... Small... No, I mean like really small, tiny in fact! You... didn't want to really question it.

You just kept wandering around in hopes you'd find someone... Well... Unless it was a giant or something, that's one thing you hoped you wouldn't find at all.

You looked over and saw a... hole in the wall, you were slightly curious but worried, what if something was inside? ...Then again you didn't know where you even were, that no good devil could be lurking if your not careful!

Yes, you could unfortunately remember that much... You had wandered into the casino and found yourself face-to-face with the devil, needless to say you just barely escaped and now your worried that he's going to pop up and take your soul.

Maybe... that hole would be a good hiding spot! If nothing was in there you could just hide there until you felt it was safe enough to come out, immediately you dashed for the hole, however you before blindly dashing inside you decided to peer in, just to make sure nothing or no one was in there.

But of course... There was... Well it looked to be a soup can but it was on wheels? And... Wait oh god what was that thing inside?!

It looked like a... rat? But it had on clothes and what appeared to be a war hat on its head and a cigar hung loosely from its mouth... ...Oookkaayy... Rats don't wear hats like that, they don't smoke and they certainly don't wear clothes.

You quickly pulled back as the rat jumped out of its... soup...can thing... Oh god was it coming out? There was a long pause... And a bit of shuffling around but it never came out, okay you were lucky... You peered back inside and noticed it was gone, maybe the rat went a different way, you slumped against the wall and sighed in relief.

You could rest for a few moments... You slowly closed your eyes but a few seconds later you were startled by a loud meow that sounded close, your eyes snapped open and you glanced up... There was... a cat right in front of you.

"A-Aha... N...Nice... Nice K...K-Kitty..." You stuttered out suddenly, putting your hand in front of you, you were trying not to panic too much... But that proved to be rather difficult when you have a very large cat in front of you.

The cat had a wide and toothy grin now, oh wow... Its teeth were... very sharp, suddenly it got into a pouncing position while making some hostile noises.

You screamed as you saw a paw raise up, you couldn't help but slump down and cover your face just waiting for impact ...it...never came...?

In fact you heard laughter from the... beast? Suddenly, its mouth opened which just scared you more but what came out made you gasp... It was the rat?!

"Oh mein gott! Jou should haff seen ze look on your face! Ah, zis vas totally vorth it... Jou know zhough... Your not very schneaky, I could hear jou coming from a mile avay" ...Wait... the rat can... talk? And he was apparently... German? ...You were utterly lost now.

Did the Devil already take your soul without you knowing? Did he kill you? What was going on?! ". . . Wha...?"

The rat sighed and rolled his eyes, taking a puff of his cigar "Jou... haff no idea vhere jou are do jou?" as soon as he saw you shake your head he then crossed his arms "Vell your not after mein contract zhen... Since jou don't even know vhere jou are"

He... had a contract?! Oh god... Your heart sank completely, was he actually working with the Devil or was he just another runaway, you didn't want to trust him just yet... "Y...You have a contract? D...Do um... You work with The Devil?"

The rat's nose twitched and he looked annoyed just at the mention of that "Fack no, I vould never vork vith zat bastard... I vill admit to running avay, consider me vone of zhem 'runavay debtors' az zhey vould call zhem" He rolled his eyes again.

You nodded at his words, you.. didn't really know how to feel about him considering he just scared you... You quickly glanced over at the cat that was just sitting there.

The rat turned his attention to the large cat, a smirk appearing on his face "Ah, I see jou staring... Zat vould be a robotic cat if jou are vondering... I built it myzelf in fact~!" His tone was now...cocky and bragging of course "It is absolutely vunderbar fo' crushing mein enemies und it acts like a real cat just so no suspicion vould be raised... It took some time und some... 'sacrifice' but zis vas vorth it in ze end~"

The cat was just staring at you while licking its paw, it didn't seem to want to take its eyes off you for even a second, you then looked back at the rat "Er... Its... Very impressive"

He grinned at your words before his expression shifted into one of curiosity "Danke~ By ze vay... I've been meaning to ask... Your human... How... Did you get so schmall? Humans aren't usually like zis"

(I'm going overboard with the German and none of y'all can stop me, besides this is a test story anyways-)

You sighed and shook your head "Let's just say... Stuff happened with The Devil" and with that he scoffed "Of course, alzhough ve don't see many humans around... Vhat's your name?"

There was a pause before you mumbled a bit quietly "...(Y/N)" you noticed his ears twitching for a moment, he then did what appeared to be a salute "Verner Vermin at your service~!"

You snorted and began to laugh, which made him glare "I know vhat your laughing at... I get it, mein last name, ze vay I pronounce it... 'Vermin' haha so very funny" He rolled his eyes and took a puff of his cigar.

You shook your head and held your hands up defensively "I'm sorry! I don't mean to laugh I really don't!"

Werner grumbled "Your lucky I don't schoot jou vith mein tank... Or get ze cat to attack..." There was a pause before he sighed "Since your a runavay too... C'mon, I'll show jou around mein home" He gestured for you to follow him into the hole.

You honestly hesitated for a moment before finally going inside, looking back out you watched as the cat trotted off somewhere, you then looked back at Werner who was climbing back into his tank, he must've felt more comfortable in that thing.

"Velcome to mein home, jou may make yourself comfy for... As long as jou need to" Werner stated, throwing what was left of his cigar away and then immediately pulling out another.

You looked at him in disbelief, he... didn't mind you being here? Well... That was most likely a blessing "T-Thank you..." You then glanced around, the first things you noticed were lots of blueprints, sawblades, and other various piles of scrap, he must love to work on building new things.

"Wow, quite the collection ya got here..." And almost immediately you regretted saying that, the rat grinned "Vell... Your easily imprezzed~ Zis 'scrap' vill be used for brand new veapons... Jou haven't seen ANYSING yet~ Zis tank of mein vas ze first ever veapon I built, I merely used a soup can, a plank and some vheels~ Oh und zhese vere add ons~"

And with that being said, hands extended from the tank, one had a match in hand and quickly lit Werner's cigar which he immediately took a puff of, the hands then sunk back into the tank, the rat still had a cocky grin on his face.

"Zat's still not even all zis tank can do~" He slowly ducked down into the tank and suddenly a cannon appeared "Jou... may vant to move by ze vay unless of course... Jou can dodge bombz und other various singz~"

Your eyes widened and immediately you stepped out of the way, you... didn't really feel like getting shot with bombs today or anything else for that matter.

You watched as bombs fired from the cannon, they were... ...Cherry bombs... Honestly, they didn't look like much but considering it was a bomb and you were kind of around Werner's size it could probably pack a decent punch.

You then watched as the cannon disappeared and something else popped up, you could hear some... rather questionable noises but suddenly a ton of items shot out and one headed directly towards you, it was a bottle cap but in the form of a sawblade basically.

You screamed and ducked as it flew out of the hole and into the open, upon hearing the scream Werner quickly popped back up and he actually looked... concerned "Oh gott, are jou alvright?!"

It took you a few moments before you looked up at him and nodded shakily "Y-Yeah... I'm....fine... What... um, happened there?"

Werner sighed in relief "Zhank gott... I might not be ze b e s t person but, I vould never hurt vone of mein freunds... As for vhat happened, vell... misfire... I guess zis sing can malfunction zometimes" He took a puff of his cigar.

You blinked and... honestly couldn't believe what you heard "Did... Er... What does 'mein...freund' mean?" You definitely over-exaggerated that word more than needed.

Werner was snickering and he looked amused "Ah, zat vould mean 'my friend' basically... Its very simple vonce you get ze hang of zis language, its not all... ZAT hard anyvays" and then a pause... before he realized that he actually called you a friend, then again the more he thought about it... He did trust you enough to come into h i s home even.

You perked up once he told you that "You....think of me as a friend?" You were somewhat questioning that, even though he could be a total dick or bragging at times he...seemed quite decent actually, like a friend you could trust in the very end of things.

Werner nodded "...Yeah... To be honest vit'chu... I vouldn't mind ze company... It... Does get razher lonely here, sure I have zat cat but its... not exactly gute company being a robot und all" He admitted, looking at you with... what appeared to be hope in his eyes.

You gave him a small smile and nodded "Well... I wouldn't mind staying here... And I...don't know if I want to go back out there at my size or not" You and him both chuckled before he merely shrugged "Don't vorry, you'll get used to zis size eventually, its not zat bad being schmall"

You were doubting that but eh, hopefully it couldn't be TOO bad, you then looked over and noticed he had a lot of... weird things on his shelf, he had what appeared to be metals and other various items that looked ancient "What are these?"

Werner grinned... Oh...Oh no, you just had to open your big mouth didn't you? "Vell.. I suppose I can tell jou... You may vant to sit down zhough, zis'll be a long schtory"

...You suddenly regretted asking, but you put yourself in this situation and now you'd have to accept your fate.

(Imma end it here because I'm lazy but also I... don't think people would wanna sleep with the rat, dunno tho-- ANYWAYS, so um...yeah, first time writing for a Cuphead boss, I wanted to make Werner a cocky n feisty lil shit, I thought it'd be a bit fitting considering how snarky he sounds in game, and unfortunately you have to witness that overly stereotypical German stuff... Sorryyy about thattt-- but he kinda is stereotypical in some ways, anyways, enough rambling-- I'm kinda nervous but I'm trying something new! plus I kinda need a break from the Septic Ego stuff for a bit)  

Werner Werman x Tiny!Debtor!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now