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Your life can be great if you want it to be. Be optimistic. Be thankful for everything you have, all the people in your life whom you care lots about. Make it known. Be there for them. Live in the moment. Quit worrying about the future and don't live in the past. Let life flow. Everything happens for a reason. Life is what you make it. Love yourself. There's only one you in this world. No one can be you better than you can. Don't be jealous of others and just worry about yourself. You're doing great. Always believe in yourself. You are here for a reason. Your life has a purpose. Strive for greatness. Nobody is perfect. Normal is boring.  Just be yourself. Always. Have confidence. You can do great things. Cut out the people who drag you down. See the good in everything. Only you can be the best you. You can do whatever you set your mind to. You can have independence and reach your goals yourself but also don't push people away who are trying to help you. Don't push away the people who have a positive impact on your life. You can't change people and how they think. Only you can do you. You always have a choice. Always. You have the final say in how you look at life and how it goes. We're all only human after all. Everyone is going through something different than you. Everyone has a different mind. Quit comparing yourself to them. Laughter is the best medicine. You are worthy. You are loved. You are enough. You shouldn't care what anyone thinks of you. Their opinion doesn't mean anything. Don't hold grudges. Forgive and forget. Be understanding. Be there for the people you love. Tell them you love them. Once again, be thankful for all that you have. Be open minded. Try new things. Make friends. Be a good person. Be kind. Be honest. Be giving. Be caring. You can make yourself happy but also let other people in. Meet new people. Change is good. Don't be afraid of it. Make new experiences. Have fun. Don't be scared to open up to people. Don't let overthinking consume all of your time. Don't stress yourself over those little things. Don't knock yourself down for your fails, bring yourself up for all of your accomplishments. Stop being so hard on yourself. You deserve to have self appreciation. It's never too late. If you want to say or do something, do it. In the end, what matters is that YOU are happy. You can't please everyone so don't try to live up to all those expectations they might set for you. Go out and do the things you love. Make memories. You only have this one life. You have full control. You decide what happens. Don't let anyone try to take that away from you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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