Ivy's Surprise

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It is with deep regret that I say that I shall remain anonymous from you for quite some time. Unfortunately I have been opposed on many sides on the subject of you. One of my closest friends thinks me mad, however I know that I am not altogether mad. Please put 3 pennies into the pouch that this owl is carrying. His name is Pigwidgeon. If you like, you can call him Pig. He's used to it. Anyways, I wanted to wish you a happy Valentines day. I'm sure you will have a wonderful one!

At around noon a strange owl flew gleefully into the window at the Prince's home. Fortunately the only person home at this hour was a young girl named Ivy Elizabeth Prince. It was to her that the letter was to be delivered.
She quickly tore open the envelope and read it twice. How strange. Who would write to her anyways? And who did she know who owned an owl? It must be James she thought, he has lots of animals. I'm sure it wouldn't be strange if he owned this owl. But to name it Pigwidgeon, no, not James.
Confused, shocked, and excited Ivy texted her best friend, Brenda Castleton Malfoy (she was arranged to be married so her maiden name was Castleton and her new last name is Malfoy.)
Right as she sent the message another owl flew up and tapped on the window! This one as well carried a letter. She tore it open.

Now that you have received my last note you will have probably thought I was James. However I am not. In fact, you don't know me at all but I do hope we will meet soon. I will tell you one thing before I end this note. The Malfoy's know me. I shall see you as soon as you are ready.

Brenda responded, "What! I wish I had an anonymous lover! All I got was this...
"Happy Valentines Brenda. Don't forget the party we are having tonight. Please wear that red dress. It will go nicely with my black dress robes. Actually, now that I think about it. Wear the long green one. I'm wearing my Silver dress robes.'
Ivy! You should come! You have never been to our house. You would absolutely love it! It's like that one downtown in the Historical District, but much larger."

Perfect! If the Malfoy's know whoever this is he will be bound to be invited. Ivy quickly replied, "I'll be there, I don't have a dress though!" Another owl tapped on the glass. Now there were three owls sitting in her bedroom! The absurdity! Taking the note off of the new one as well she read,

I'm sorry, however I shall not be attending the Malfoy's Valentines Ball. Our families aren't exactly simbiotico at the present. You should hear some about me though. I punched our dear Draco in the nose yesterday. Brenda was absolutely fuming. You should have seen her face. It was quite hilarious. Just so you know I was perfectly in the right to punch him. I'm not some blundering idiot who punches people whenever he feels like it. Draco is just special. I won't say anything more about him though. Brenda so protective. I shall see you shortly.

Suddenly a flash of light caught Ivy's eye. Brenda! What was she doing here? How did she come so quickly?
"Bloody hell your room is a mess." She said casually as she stepped into the cluttered little bedroom.
"You try living with my sister shuckface." They laughed. Brenda pulled out a stick and soon the room was set to rights. (Brenda could do a weird little trick and get everything to go back to it's correct position with a wave of that stick. Ivy had tried to have a go with it but ended up making even more if a catastrophe. Brenda said that it was because her stick only worked for her. But that was a load of poppycock.) 
"Alright, as for your dress. I have a marvelous idea. Let's see, arms up." She measured Ivy using her stick. "Yes, navy was always your color. Close your eyes dear." Brenda whispered.
Ivy did as she was told, soon she felt a soft material enveloping her body. It
flowed gently.
"Can I open my eyes now?"
"Yes." Brenda replied airily. "You look absolutely stunning. I do hope you don't steal my dear Draco's heart tonight." She winked,"Just remember I'm not your fairy godmother."
Ivy looked at herself in the mirror, the dress was slim and sleek. The material seemed to be chiffon. What a lovely dress, her hair was in a fancy updo with sparkling pins. For once her hair would stay curly instead of drooping back down.
"So can I read your notes now?"
"He says he knows the Malfoy's"
"You don't say? And he still won't tell you who he is?"
"Yes but he keeps dropping clues. He said that he knows the Malfoy's, but he won't be at the ball. He also said that he punched Draco yesterday and that you were fuming. So I would think that you saw it happen. Could you tell me who it was?"
"Oh, that bloody nose?" Brenda laughed, an almost concealing sort of laugh, "That was nothing. I have to go now. I'll see you in a few hours! Don't forget to feed these owls. No doubt they are hungry." With that Brenda vanished from the room with a POP!
Another rat tap tap at the window. Who in the world owned this many owls!? Ivy feverishly opened the window and ran immediately to the kitchen in order to retrieve the food for the owls. As soon as she returned she plucked the letter off the owls leg and placed 3 pennies in each owls little pouch/ letter carrier thingy. A smile bloomed on her face like a rose in fast forward.

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