I'm Just A Dreamer [ An Antvenom Fanfiction ]

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It all started like this.

[ Taylor's / Antvenom's POV ]

  I woke up from my long nights sleep and rolled off my warm bed. The covers ruffled as I slowly got up. I took a short walk to the kitchen and suddenly noticed a jacket laying on the counter. I picked it up and remembered that my best friends, Joe and Carter had come over yesterday to play some Xbox and hang out. The jacket was more girly so I was guessing it was Carters. I remember the day I met Carter and Joe like it was yesterday.

[ Flashback ]

  It was a breezy Sunday afternoon as I walked into the coffee shop. I walked up to the counter and a girl was standing in my presence. She had long brown hair and blue eyes.  She was also wearing a cropped t-shirt with an American flag printed on the front. Her name tag wrote 'Carter' in a fancy sort of handwriting. I didn't notice I was staring until she started asking if I was going to order. I quickly looked up and remembered where I was.

  I ordered a tall decaf coffee with extra sugar and the order ended up being $2.50. As reached for my wallet a sudden short force was pushed against my arm. A tall male around my age bumped into me spilling some coffee onto my shirt as he walked across. I looked up as he apologized a few times. He asked if he could purchase my order but I replied and said " its fine, it was an accident I understand"  but he still refused and handed his credit card to the barista, Carter. I thanked him and he asked if we could sit and chat a bit. I humbly said yes since this man just bought my coffee.

We both sat down and chatted a while about our lives. I found out his name was Joe and his job was making money off youtube by uploading videos of him playing video games. I was amazed at this since I loved playing video games but I didn't know you could make money off of it. We kept talking until the barista, Carter caught my eye. She was on the phone when she slammed the phone down and ran into the bathroom.

  Seeing her crying really bugged me so I got up and walked to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and asked if everything was ok. I heard a very muffled voice reply " Yes I'm fine."  I walked back to the table not wanting to be intruding but it still bugged me. I walked back to where Joe was and told him about it. He seemed a little curious as well but I don't think he wanted to intrude on her privacy.

A few minutes later she walked out with mascara smeared all over her face. She was still kinda crying but not as much as before. I waited a few moments until I got up and walked up to her. She looked up as I asked her if she was okay, she replied with the same answer as before " Yes I'm fine." I asked her if she could take a break and sit with me and Joe. She slowly nodded and walked over.

  We started talking and we got to know each other a bit more. Carter was an outgoing Artist and had an Art channel on Youtube and mostly drew animals and people. Joe was a funny Youtube Gamer and had many loving fans who loved his content. Both of these people were very interesting and I felt like this was a new beginning. I asked for both of their numbers so we could talk some more. They wrote them down on a piece of paper and handed them to me. I stuffed them in my pocket and told them I had to leave. I rushed out the door still wondering why Carter was crying.

[ Flashback ends ]

[ Authors Note ]

I hope you guys like the first chapter! I worked really hard on it and I hope it was as interesting as I thought it was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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