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it was raining as usual.

lucas was walking around the city , making himself feeling calm while its raining . he thought it would be nice if he buy a coffee before heading home, suddenly he saw a girl is making herself wet from the rain and lucas look at her hands theres no umbrella to cover herself from getting wet. she always have no umbrella with her when it was raining.

" whats wrong with her?,people around her are busy running to prevent themselves from getting wet but she doesnt mind getting wet ? " 

lucas saw the girl was walking slowly and looking up to see the rain , she closed her eyes, enjoy the rain fell on her face. he look at her deeply and suddenly she noticed that he looked at her , she smiled sadly to him , he look into her eyes , theres lot of pain that she keep it from people.

he thought it would be nice if he make his way to her and cover her head with my umbrella , lucas walked to her way and she back up

" no it is okay , i like walking under the rain . " she smiled , lucas was questioning himself , who is this girl ? " i always saw you walking under the rain , but i saw you walking under it like everyday ,  i worried if you will caught flu or fever you know " lucas hurriedly cover her head with his umbrella .

" so you like....uuh stalking me ? " lucas and her walking side by side under the rain together , lucas looking at her disbelief. " no, i mean i was there after my class ends but its rain season why dhere dont you know ? " lucas asked her , she nodded " yeah i know "

"then why do you always walk in the rain ? "

" because no one knows that im crying "

lucas shut himself after she answer his question , asking himself why the hells he ask her such a question . before he could say sorry , she turn her back to face him " hey it's okay though , really . " she tapped on lucas' shoulder, lucas sighed on relief " what's your name though ? its kinda rude if i keep on talking to you but didnt know your name " lucas put his hands on his hand , trying to look calm . " it is areum , kim areum " she brought her hands to held his as sign that they offcially be friend , lucas hurriedly held her hands , shaking it " im wong yukhei, but just call me lucas " lucas smiled

lucas and areum continued walking , she suddenly be quiet and lucas realised that shes crying , " hey whats wrong ? did i do something wrong ? " lucas carried her face , wiped her tears away , making her feel protect eventhough he only do something that normally people do.

" no its nothing , its just life , sometimes it feels like we are having a happy life , sometimes we feel like we are in hell , how dramatic our life is " areum chuckled " im okay though , dont worry " lucas patted her head , " you are so good with words , are you some a poem teacher by a chance ?" 'lucas joked , she smacked his arms and he acts like its pain but lucas think her touch are soft as a pillow .

lucas look at her face , she was smiling , her big smile look like an art to him . " you should smile more , baby " lucas look into her eyes and she smiled " wow thanks , flirty boy , its been awhile since i talk to someone, you know ,  have a friend to talk with " her eyes fixed to the rain , she sighed " i was a quiet person , anti-social kiddo , i dont like social with people . people are so fake these days so i have some trust issues " she shrugged " so , im the special one , eh ? got lucky to talk with you " making himself look cool and she laughed it off " you got lucky for some reasons because  you are good looking " " i mean who doesnt fall with my visual , am i right " areum did a disgust face , he knew that she just joking but he just laughed .

lucas and areum talk so much things and he realised that its almost 10 pm , he should be home right now but he is having so much fun with areum and he wish he can spend more time with her , " hey lucas , its kinda late ? i should be heading home right now , its kinda nice talking to you . lets meet up if you have some free time " areum slightly back off from the umbrella , " right the rain stopped " lucas thought , " hey would you mind if we exchange phone numbers ? , iwant to keep contact with you ." lucas' hand get into his back pocket to take his phone , making it ways to open the contact app " yeah sure , i would love to keep on contact with you " areum took lucas' phone and typed her phone number , saved her contact by  " angel arrie " . lucas chuckled when he saw her displayed name " angel huh ? " " what , do i look like an ugly ostrich " she huffed " i will save your name as flirt hoe then " lucas look at her disbelief, again " you kidding ? wow i should change your name to crying baby then " he act like he's changing her name to crying baby but he actually changed it as " beautiful angel "

" well i really gotta go know , lucas. thank you for cover me from getting wet although you are a little bit late " she bid a goodbye , before she could go . lucas screamed her name " hey areum " areum turned her back to look him.

" dont you know that your name's mean a beauty ? well you know now that your name suits your beautiful face and i wish that i could make you as mine one day ! "

" in your dream , hoe ! "


i love lucas with my fat ass heart !!, hope yall enjoy and dont forget to vote also comment !! have a nice day ahead and hope your day is full of sunshines and love , good things will happen and dont forget to drink water !!

 umbrella 	❥ lucasWhere stories live. Discover now