Monsta X as Your boyfriend

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-Would be overprotective 24/7
-Being 'Touchy'
-Would always kiss your lips
-Would do anything to make you happy
-Getting you ice cream,Favorite Movies when you have it

-Would back hug you
-Cuddles everymorning
-Kising your lips in front of the members
-Him cooking breakfast for you every morning
-Would always comfort you when you're having it

-Would always be hugging you
-Fancy dates
-Lazy sunday
-Would do anything to treat you like a princess or Queen
-Would cook you you're favorite when you are having it

-Would hug you and cuddle with you
-Would fangirl with you
-Easily get jealous because you are not paying attention to him
-Would buy you sanitary napkin (What a mature young man)
-Would watch kdrama's with you

-Would always do memes infront of you
-Laughing at him when he burnt something
-Would always be hugging you in the back
-Would do anything to make you happy when you are having a bad day
-Would always be checking you when you are having your monthly visitor

-Would make you laugh 24/7
-Would tease you about your childhood
-Would do anything to cheer you up
-After a fight would always be the one to say Sorry
-Would do funny voices when you are having your Monthly period

-Would always cover you up when you are on a date
-Him being overprotective about you because you are his princess
-Would stay up with you all night talking about your future with him
-You Fangirling over him
-Being worried about you because your lower abdomen hurts

All in all they are the best boyftiend evah!!

Monsta X Scenario/Reaction/Imagines DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now