6 2 2

Monday morning, the sun is shining through her curtains, a red early sun, waking her up with its utter most grace. She opens her eyes and feels the warm light on her skin, tiredly but in a state of well being, she sits on her bed, putting her feet to the floor. 

The sun stays the same. 

This doesn't catch her attention, however, something Hayun did realize, was the extreme silence. 

"Odd" she said out loud, opening her bedroom dorm. 

Her morning routine was always similar, she'd had a small breakfast and green tea on the balcony of her tiny apartment, because that was the only place were a real table could fit. 

Everything stayed the same, her cellphone always had the same hour, she was confused at this, but discarded it as a glitch.

"I knew I had to buy the next version" Hayun sighed, locking her phone and reaching into her bag for her wrist watch. 

"This can't be right" The clock was also stuck on the same hour. Her wild eyes, looking between the wrist watch, the phone, the sun which was still red. She didn't come to the exact realization of what was going on, but she could get a clue, and Hayun was having a hard time believing it was still:



Inside the pitch black room lay a boy, shirtless, still in the same sweatpants he'd used the day before. He wouldn't have woken up  if it weren't for his dogs tongue wiping Taehyung's dried saliva from his soft cheeks.

He groaned. 

"Goddamn it, Yeontan" He said annoyed, but deep down thanked the dog for waking him up, he needed to hurry up and go to work.

Taehyung lifted the heavy, heavy, curtains, just to be blinded by a red sun. He looked at his phone.

He was running late.

"Oh, no" He muttered as he ran to the bathroom and began brushing his teeth. With the toothbrush on his mouth, he began buttoning down a white shirt, without realizing, a little bit of toothpaste fell on it, he cursed and tried to clean it, leaving a bigger stain. 


He hurried to lock his apartment door and go to practice as soon as possible. 

If he weren't in such a hurry, he would've noticed that the red sun was still there and that there was no one on the streets other than him.

Only until he got to the bus stop did he realize this. 

In shock he looked around, and then at the clock on the bus stop, which still read:



Hi guys, I feel like this story could already be out there, so if it is, please let me know, I don't intent to copy anyone's ideas, if this isnt original, I'll take it down.

Thanks <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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