No one will hurt you now....

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Everything you read here is either from my fucked up mind, or from a story I've heard before. Some I don't know if they're real or not, some come from my head purely.

This story is a twisted version of something I've heard before.

WARNING: mentions of murder, animal death, child abuse, and cursing.

My father has never been the nicest man.. Sure he put food on the table, and sure he protected me from the bad people, but he was a bad person.

Two weeks ago, I was walking out the door to school, just after an argument with my father. My grandmother was sitting quietly in her rocking chair in the corner like normal. As I walked out the door, I heard my father screaming at my cat, my only true friend in the world of pain my father put me in. Another voice joined him, loud, dangerous, scary. The only other person in the house was my grandmother, but she didn't scream, she rarely even spoke.

I had come home that day to find my cat dead. My father had murdered the poor creature to get at me. He got at me alright. I sobbed for days and days and days. Grandmother walked by every now and then, rubbed my back and hugged me, before leaving again.

My father just told me to get up and stop crying over nothing. Beatings and verbal attacks followed like every day.

That was two weeks ago, like I said. Since then, since my poor baby's death, it's gotten worse and worse with my father. He's mentally fucked up or something.

I walked home from school, dreading the weekend, but for some reason, when I entered the house, it was quieter than usual. I opened the door further to find my grandmother in her rocking chair, back and forth, back and forth, like usual.

I walked upstairs and a fresh, coppery smell attacked my nose. Curious, I walked closer to the smell, it seemed to be coming from my father's room. Some new drug? I wasn't excited to find out. I turned around and walked to my room, throwing my bag down and getting started on my homework.

A few hours later, I walked downstairs to find grandmother, I still hadn't seen father.

"Grammie? Where's dad?"

She smiled slightly and stood up, gesturing me to follow her. I followed, now curious and slightly excited. Was dad finally gone? Did he move out? Maybe that copper smell was cleaning fluid to get rid of the horrid smell that always emitted from his room. With a slight bounce to my step, I followed grandmother.

We reached his door and grandmother gestured for me to open the door. I took the invitation excitedly and threw open the door.

Stepping into the room, the coppery smell got sickeningly stronger, but that wasn't what made me want to throw up. On his bed, my father lie still and pale, rivers and streams and trickles of scarlet red fell down his almost white body. I wanted to scream as I saw the horrible source, my father was sitting up, straight, head tilted back and to the side, as a long deep red gash ran across his neck. I violently whipped around to the door to see grandmother, smiling brightly, crimson stained blade in one hand.

"No one will hurt you now...."

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