Part One: Phoenix Rising

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Ever witnessed a strange power in your life? I have. Here's my story.


Irma: Will, you pick the wrong place to investigate weird things.

"Shush! All I know is that we received a complaint about something here. Which is why I called you all here to help me."

Cornelia: Do we Guardian up?

"No. Not now. If we need to, we can. But not now."

Hay Lin: What are we looking for exactly?

"Something here. Wait do you hear something?"

It sounded like weeping. Perhaps a commoner crying over a loss? We were in the cemetery. At night. Creepy right? Anyway we got reports about suspicious activity happening here and we were there to look to see what it is. We moved forward until we saw a bright light ahead. I shined a light with my flashlight I had and looked over. It appeared to be a woman.

"Miss? Are you all right?"

She turned to look at me. She eyed me like I was a prize. She got up from the grave and walked slowly toward me. She looked like flames in shape of a woman.

Woman: You..........I been waiting for so long to rise again. But're perfect....

"Guardians unite!!"

Before we can change forms, she went into me and I fell to the ground feeling a burning sensation surge through me. The other came to my side and held me down as I was shaking. My body temperature rising and such.

Irma: Fight it Will!!

She pours water from her hands on me to try and cool me down, but instead my skin dried up. Then, everything went black.


I awaken in the hospital and I heard beeps from the heart machine. I looked over and saw my friends waiting beside my bed and I saw I had IVs in my arm. I couldn't reach over for anything except use my powers to crumble up a piece of paper and throw it at one of them. Wait, how did I do that??

Irma:-Gets hit by the paper-Ow!! Will!! Wait Will? Are you okay??

"I......I think so. Did something happen to me?"

Taranee: Well, other than a primal force entering your body and rendering you unconscious? All I know is you whispered a word shortly after you fell unconscious.

"What did I say?"

Taranee: Phoenix I think.

Phoenix. Phoenix. Why did it sound so familiar to me? Why--

Harvey Bullock: Hey kid. Good to see ya up and kicking.

"How long was I out?"

Cornelia: A day and a half. We brought you here. We didn't know where else to take you.

Weird. After a few days I was released and I went home. As I spent time in the bathtub, I noticed something strange in the water. It started heating up rapidly and I got out to wrap a towel around myself.  I began to see my skin dry up quickly as I went to put on clothes. What was wrong with me??

Then, I got a call from Hay Lin saying there was something going on. I grabbed my spear and Heart of Kandrakar.

As I arrived, there was something in the water and we changed to guardian forms then flew toward it. As I shot lightning at it, I began to feel faint and lost concentration as I fell into the water. I felt changes. Extreme changes. Something was happening to me.
Irma: Will!!!-Uses her power to move the walls of water out of the way and looks for Will-Will?? Where is she??

Taranee: Look!!-Points at the water south of where they flew-

Out of the water came out Will wearing a clad of green and gold with a Phoenix emblem on her chest. Brightness reflects off her and  she shoots flames mixed with lightning at the monster.


"Hear me guardians for I am no longer the girl you knew!! I am fire and life incarnate!! I am Phoenix!!"

They look at me in shock as I appeared out of the water in a new form. It was truly a new beginning.

Irma: Will?!

"No time! Fire every attack you got at it! Explanations later!!"

They all shrugged and used their powers against the monster. Then I used lightning at it with theirs and it slowly dissipates. I think we won but how. Then, I looked at myself from the water reflection.

Taranee: Uhhh can you explain now?

"To be truthful, I don't know. But I feel this powerful force inside me. We better get back to shore."

As soon as we got there, I felt a little faint and I was caught by the group. Not sure what happened, but I think the Phoenix chose me. I need to do research on this.

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