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Make your own KOREAN NAME by your birthday dates

Month (middle name)

Jan = Yu
Feb//Oct = Hye
March = Gi
April//Nov = Hyo
May//August = Jin
June//Dec = Areum
July//Sept = Ru

Date (last name)

1/3= Ji
4/9= Na
2/6= Shin
5/7= Ra
8/19= Jun
10/21= Rin
11/18= Jin
17/15= Min
12/16= Ze
13/14= Mi
20/31= Ri
22/27= Yun
25/29= Bo
23/28= Ni
26/24= Ha
30= Yu

YEAR first name
( EXAMPLE -- use the last no of the year like 2001 )

1 = Jung
2 = Kim ( Rp )
3/0= Park
4 = Min
5/7= Kim ( V )
6/8= Jeon
9 = Kim ( Jin)


Comment down your KOREAN NAME

When is my birthday
=> Jung  jin 4/9
    (Among this 4/9 dates when is my birthday)

Hope you all can find your KOREAN NAME if you can't DM ME or COMMENT down

Uploaded 01/05/2018

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