Marcy 'n' Julian

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I'm Julian, and this is a story about two idiots, and their lives together.

"Julian, dude, did you hear about that new girl?" Seth said as we walked from the canteen to the courts. "Hmm? No." I answered. Seth usually talks nonsense. But with his dark brown hair and buffness, all the girls ran for him. "Well, her name's Marcy, and apparently, she's super 'weird' and totally a goth. I thought you were into that 'weird' shit." Seth mumbled, taking a bite of his roll. Seth didn't find 'goths' different or 'weird', because, he was a bit gothic. And he was bisexual. So, he didn't really care. I had bright ginger hair, and super long, and super skinny legs. Even though I have muscles , girls never really see them, partly because, I've only had a few girlfriends, and that I'm not really intrested. I'd rather read. "Hmm, I might be..." I moaned. "Well I gotta get to class, so, seeya" Seth slapped my arse and then ran off. I walked to my locker and opened it. I took out a few things and shut my locker again. But when I turned I saw her. Right next to me. She had long raven black hair, tied up in a pony tail. Her lips were pulp and bright pink, dry from the cold wind. Her eyes were a darkish green, I could sense something dark and blocked behind them. She faced me with a smile, holding her books, tightly against her chest. "Julian, right?" Her voice was soft. "Uh, yea- yeah, You are?" "Marcy, I'm Marcy. I'm new here, and I have no idea where I'm going, the teachers said to come to you." She smiled, hopefully. I didn't want to take my eyes off her. She was so pale. "Oh, um yeah, show me your time table." She muffeld her stuff around and pulled out a scrunched up piece of paper. "Sorry." She said as she past it to me. I studied it. "Yeah you're in my Home room, and my options." I smiled up at her. She nodded. "We've got Art now, it's just over here." I took her to every options class, I even took her to her cores, and then hurried to mine. At the end of the day she asked me where the buses were. I took her down to the buses. "I need to get to Hobart, do you know which bus can take me?" She questioned me, yet again. "Oh that's easy I catch that bus." I said. "Great! You can show me everything."

"Hey Marcy, I'm getting off soon, do you know where you are?" I asked snapping her out of her beautiful day dream. Her eyes sparkled when she looked towards me. Her eyes were brighter than before. I noticed, that she seemed drowsy in the day time but alive in the night time. I found that attractive. "Uhh, I don't think so..." She mumbled, looking to the front of the bus. "Woouuld you like me to walk you home?" I smiled. "Thanks, Julian" She said. The two of us got off the bus. "Damn, It's already dark. I better call my Mum, I just need to tell her what I'm doing, stay here, don't move." I smiled and dialed in Mum's phone number...


I waved to Julian as he held his phone to his ear. I looked up into the abyss of darkness above me. I breathed in the cool air and closed my eyes. I heard foosteps behind me, and I jolted around. "Hey, is anyone there?" I leaned down a little. I stood straight when there was no answer. "Hmm" I hummed. I turned back around, deciding to ignore it. "Alone there? Missy?" I swiftly twirled around, acknologing a tall slender man, with a horrible old face. "Uhh, no." I said. "Well, I don't see anyone 'round, taking care of ya" He took slow steps towards me. He looked me up and down. "I don't see anyone taking care of you? But actually I am not alone, my friend is just around the corner..." I said strongly at his sexist comment. "Oh, is 'e, now?" The man kept pushing fowards, making me stumble back. "Can you please move away? Now" I said breathing as calm as I could. With a thrust of his arm, he grabbed my face, and squeezed my cheeks. "No, screaming, missy." He said. His hand gripped around my waist, pulling me into him. I tried to scream, but only muffeld a bit. "Help me out missy, I've been feelin' lonley" He chuckled. I began to thrash out of his grip. It didn't help, he grabbed my arms and held them behind him.


"Seeya Mum, love you too, okay, bye" I talked into my phone before hanging up. I put my phone back in my pocket. I heard a muffled voice. Curious, I walked around the corner, quietly. I saw Marcy being attacked by a tall man. Some unfamiliar anger grew quickly inside me, and I ran and jumed on the man. I wrapped my arm around his neck, choking him. He gagged and let go of Marcy. He pulled at my arms. I jumped off him, and ran over to Marcy. She hugged me. "Are you alright?" "WATCH OUT!" She screamed. I turned around, and was greeted by a fist smashing into my jaw. I fell back, knocked to the ground. "Julian!" Marcy screamed. I felt her beside me. I crouched, holding my jaw. "Ow" I said quietly. "Come 'ere, ya bitch." Said the tall man and hauled Marcy up.


I shook his hand off me, and looked down at the ground. My long hair dropped over my face. "Don't touch Julian..." I spoke, still not looking at him. "What?" I looked up, my eyes had turned yellow, with a slit down the middle. I opened my mouth and a roar came out. Sharp teeth shined in the moon light. I leaped onto him and tore at his flesh. He sceamed, and tried to push me away, but it was no use. Finally, he stopped moving. I stood up, blood dripping from the claws that had grown from my fingers. I looked over to Julian. He laid on his back. " Julian, are you alright?" I asked as I ran over to him, and cradeled his head.  He coughed and smiled, blood covered his mouth. "Are you some sort of wolf-angel ?" He said. I laughed. "Let's go, hey?" I said helping him up. It was a king hit, the man had punched him so hard, that he had dislocated Julians jaw. I decided to take him home to my house and get him better.


I woke up looking at a blue ceiling. I looked to my left and saw Marcy asleep on a couch. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, and her head was swayed back. I smiled. The chair she sat in was a large red one. It was quite beautiful. I looked around, it was a small apartment, everything was pilled up on top of things. There were mostly books. Old ones. I saw a small doorway to a kitchen, and a door that looked like it lead to a bedroom. I looked down at my hand, it was bandaged up, I must've fallen on it. I picked up my left hand, that wasn't badaged, and felt across my face. I felt cuts, sore spots, and one bandaid. I felt through my hair. The was a bandage over my head as well. Wow, just one punch, and I'm smashed up like glass. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I sighed. "Hmm? What?" I looked over to Marcy, who had woken up and was looking aroud. I chuckeld. She looked over to me. "Oh, hey. You feeling any better?" She said standing up. "Yeah, 'm fine" I said softly. "Sit up, I'll make you some soup" She spoke sternly. I did as I was told, and sat up. She walked into the kitchen. I looked down at the coffe table. Badages, bandaids and some sort of cream sat there. "Whoa... so, can we talk about what happened last night?" I asked.


"Whoa... so, can we talk about what happened last night?" I heard Julian ask. I sighed, and dropped my shoulders a little. "Um, yeah..." I spoke slowly. I stopped making the soup, and walked into the living room. I sat down on my big red chair. I looked up at him. He's eyes were green and expecting. "Well, I..." I pulled my shoulders up to my ears, tilting my head to the side. My long hair flopped over my knee, as I brought it up to my face, holding it, as something to comfort me. "Are you some type of Werewolf?" He asked cassually, flipping his head to the side, completley. His ginger hair flicked to the side. Making him adorable. I found myself gazing, and shook myself out of it. "Hmm, I guess so... but..."

"But what?" He interupted.

"Well, I-"

"Well you what?"

He was now sitting cross legged on the couch holding onto his feet. I studied all his bandages, over his head, his hand, his arm. He's so delicate... Smaked across his face was a long wide toothy grin. Gosh he reminded me of a anime character. "It's not just, you, know-"

"I know what?"

"Being a wolf, geez..." I let out some air. "Oh, so you're like a shape shifter?" He asked.

"Well, kinda, but I can't choose, what it is when it happens."

"Oooh. Cool" He smiled widely.

I melted at his expression.

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