Enter Mystery Man...

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I awoke to the alarm on my phone going off.

"Ugh, can you PLEASE turn that off!" Josh said with a bite in his tone.

I lunged my hand out and turned off the alarm.

"Sorry, I have to film a video today and I need to get a jump start."

I gave Josh a quick peck on the lips and reached for the drawer of my dresser and started to do my makeup. Mid-way, as I always do, I picked up my iPhone from my willow night stand and unplugged it from its charger that was barley holding itself together.

Damn, I cursed to myself, I really need to get another charger.

I unlocked my phone and opened the home screen and opened twitter and started to compose a tweet.

Hey my queefs, I tweeted with a kissy emoji.

I re-centered myself realizing that I stopped while my makeup was half way done. I decided to put on a YouTube video and found on my subscription page that Lilly posted a new video and I tapped to play it.

Where in the world is Super Woman today... the video started.

"Colleen, please can you take this somewhere else? I'm trying to sleep", Josh wined.

"I'll put on ear phones, dear", I said sarcastically.

This was how it was with Josh lately. We would be fine one minute then we let it build up and snap at each other the next moment. We just weren't communicating. It was especially hard because I have been busy with my channels. Yet a relationship is not one person's job, if Josh wanted he could try to make time. He wasn't exactly free either with his channel. Sometimes I feel like we are passing ships in the night and never talk. I wish I could just express this on my vlogs, but I just couldn't. The fans think we are the perfect couple and would hate to shatter that idea they have of us. I finished my make up and left the bedroom and into the hallway slamming the bedroom door. The way Josh was acting was infuriating.

I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast and Kory was already in the kitchen.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty...I thought I would have to pull you out of Josh's muscular arms", Kory said with his sweet velvet voice.

"In Josh's arms I would not be in... he's been so cut and dry with me ever since we had that fight last week...I thought we would move on from it, but we are just not communicating anymore", I said almost in tears, " I just don't want my marriage to be like this...why is it like this?"

"It will be okay queen, sometimes things just need time", He said pulling me into a tight hug.

"I love you, my best friend"

"I hope you do!" He said humor in his features, "Why else do you think I'm your assistant?" He rolled his eyes.

"Now", He started to speak lifting my chip up, "We need to pack up for your video today, while you make us something, I will load the car".

Kory took my car keys out of the jar on the counter top and walked up stairs to my office to start packing up my video stuff. The video we were filming today was with a psychic. I know, I'm crazy but I am so deeply into that sort of thing especially after I did that collab with Shane not too long ago. It just felt like a cool idea. I contacted one of those phone psychics and she wanted me to come to her office in Studio City to do a reading. It was most likely to get the word out about her company.

I decided to make breakfast burritos because Kory and I recently went to the store and we had plenty of eggs. I also took out a pack of bacon from the fridge. I hate bacon, but you can't hurt a girl from trying. As I finished making the burritos. I quickly stepped away from the stove confused. I just. Got the weirdest. Feeling. I felt, like I have seen this before, like it was a dream. I stood there dazed. I loved when I got Deja-Vu it made me feel like I could predict the future. It was funny to dream about it.

I then tried to dig deeper into it. What was that dream about?

"Halloo my babyyy, what are we making?" I heard an unknown male voice call out.

"Nothing special babe, just breakfast burritos", I heard my own voice call back.

"Hmmm...I felt the voice come closer...maybe I can help with that..."

I felt a sudden wave of intoxication hit me along with the sweet sensation of him kissing my shoulder and slowly moving up to my neck.

"Colleen!!" Kory yelled at me.

"What?" I said being pulled away.

"The grease in the pan is burning!"

"Oh, shit!" I said turning off the flame and moving the pan off the stove.

"Penny for your thoughts gurl? Before you burn the house down?"

"No, I just have lots on my mind" I said keeping my dream to myself.


We pulled into the parking lot of the Psychics office. I then decided to pull out my Vloggy and start my vlog.

"Hey guys its Tuesday morning and Kory and I are about to film a pretty juicy video for you guys. I can't wait for you guys to see it. But, ill give you guys a hint. We will be sure of my future after today" I said winking, ,"Was that a wink? Ha, I am in the weirdest of moods today". I hit the capture button to stop recording and sat back in the passenger seat of my car.

"Are you ready?" I said with exhaustion.

"Come on let's go. What's the worst that could happen?"

"I could name a few things", I wined. 


"Hello Colleen, it's so nice to meet you finally", I psychic greeted me, "I am Logan, and I have been a spiritual healer, medium, and tarot card reader for 20 years. What are we here to accomplish today?"

"We are looking to see into my future today", I said directing myself to the camera that Kory was holding.

"Well I am definitely able to help you with that. But I just want to start by saying that what I see is bits and pieces and not everything I report happens exactly because the future is ever changing." She said almost scripted.

"Okay I am picking up a lot of things from you right now. You had quite the dream last night."

Oh my god! How did she know about my dream? I am freaking out.

"This isn't a normal dream I can tell. You saw your future".

I was shocked. Almost not believing the woman. You can just see your future. Can you?

"Would you like to know about the man in your dream?"

Excitement roused within me, "Sure", I responded too quickly.

"Okay let's see", she stated concentrating, "he is of equal mind to you, mostly likely in the same field of work, he is pure of heart this man, he is quite the humanitarian, and he is also loving and sensitive but not overly sensitive to the point that he is upset all the time..."

Logan continued to describe him, and he was not Josh. Who was he? I can't post this video. That was the thought that finally crossed my mind.

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