Chapter One; Starting Hogwarts.

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Chapter One; Starting Hogwarts.

It was so great to finally be away from my aunt and uncle and the cupboard under the stairs. I'd met a few friendly people on the train here, Ron and Hermione, I reckon Ron and I will be good friends but Hermione is too snooty and stuck up. Hagrid is so nice too, he's really tall though and it's kinda scary, well, everything about this is kinda scary, I'm still waiting to wake up in all honesty. "Right, then. First years, this way, please!" Hagrid shouted, he was holding a lantern and walking up and down the platforms, probably to help us if we fell and I could see that being me, "Come on, first years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up" he shouted again, I was confused, how could we not be shy? We'd just been told we were wizards, we were on a train taking us to a castle and we were surrounded by people who knew what they were doing, I was shy that was for sure. Ron and I got off the train and looked around, this platform was beautiful, lots of trees and benches, we walked over to Hagrid along with the other first years, "Hello, Harry" he said with a smile,

"Hi, Hagrid" I replied, Ron looked up at him and the only word he could muster was,

"Wow" with that, everyone else looked up at him slightly gobsmacked by his height, he was a giant, after all.

"Right, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me." he said, we followed him and he led us to a huge lake, it seemed to go on forever and there were a number of little boats dotted around the edge, he instructed us to get in them so we did, you could fit four people on the boats so Ron and I jumped in one, we'd become those two people that stick together because we don't want to know anyone else, not because we were friends or anything, we just needed someone to talk to.

We got closer and closer to some lights but it was hard to see through the mist, we figured Hogwarts would be fairly small, we knew it was a castle but come one, it couldn't be that big, right? Wrong. It was huge, so much bigger than we though, I had never seen anything like it! Ron looked so surprised, he kept telling me it had to be a dream, that maybe he'd fall in the water and wake up in bed, but then said he was being stupid because he knew it was real, he was a pure blood after all.

We were helped onto land and let to the castle, it was dark out so we couldn't really make out where we were going, we were just told to 'Keep going straight'. We eventually made it inside and as a group walked up a few flights of stairs, a woman was stood at the top awaiting our arrival, tall, light brown hair, round glasses sort of like mine, she was a witch, it was obvious. "Welcome to Hogwarts" she said as we came to a halt at the top of the stairs, "Now, in a few moment you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses." that sounded terrifying, I looked at Ron and he looked at me, the same scared expression on his face I knew I was wearing, "They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin" A few people muttered behind us when she said the last one, it just reminded me of a snake but I guessed it wasn't a good house to be put in. "Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-"

"TREVOR!" a boy shouted, he ran through the crowd of students to  pick up a toad at the woman's feet, she looked down at him and gave him a look, his face flushed with guilt as he stood back up, "Sorry" he muttered, everyone snickered slightly but we were trying not to make it so obvious, I didn't want to get in trouble on my first day.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily" she said as she turned and walked away from us. I was about to say something to Ron when a voice behind me broke the weird silence,

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" I turned around to see a smug blonde boy grinning, everyone started whispering 'wow' and 'Harry Potter?' "This is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. " he said walking up in front of me, he had nice eyes I'd give him that but he seemed so cocky and full of himself, "Draco, Malfoy" he said again, the name seemed slightly familiar but I had no idea why, Ron scoffed at his name and Draco shot him a filthy look, "Think my name's funny do you? I've no need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley." he was arrogant and thought he was better than everyone else, I immediately hated him. "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there" he said holding out his hand, I looked down at it and replied with the only fitting thing,

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