Chapter 1: The Child Born out of Men's Dark Hearts

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Disclaimer: I do not or Alien or Predator

Alien Series © Ridley Scott
Predator © Jim Thomas & John Thomas

Whispers in the Dark
Written by: Marik's girl

Chapter One
The Child Born out of Men's Dark Hearts

"Get this monster out of me!!!" yelled a dark haired women at the top of her lungs. "Miss! Please calm down—" She glared at the women that was trying to calm her down. "Don't you tell me to calm down! You freaking bitch!!" The women gasped in shock and she backed away from the women on the birthing table. "Hana... please." Hana looked up at an elder man: Mr. Weyland of Weyland-Yutani Industry. "You need to calm down and push; we can't get the child out any other way." He said calmly as he looked into her brown colored eyes. She glared at him. "It is not a child! It's a monster!!!" She yelled. "Now Hana, it's only about 40% to 50% Xenomorph; the other part is human." He said with a cruel smile on his face. "You need that money --- don't you?" The twenty-two year old looked away from the cruel man and then laid her head on the pillow. "Let's get this over with!"

Six hours later, a new born infant's cry surrounded the whole room and a sick grin went across Mr. Weyland's face. It was finally here, the hybrid child.


Big pupil-less silver-white eyes looked at the white walls in her room. Leila never understood why she was always in this room. This plain white room, with only a white bed and white sheets and a white pillow. The only thing that wasn't white, was her golden sun kissed tan and midnight black hair... well, she really couldn't say that. Her hair has white highlights in them. Even the dress that she wore was white. She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged her legs. The scientist said tomorrow would be her fifth birthday and she wasn't too excited about it. They only did weird stuff to her. They had told her that she was special... but they would never tell her how special. She knew that she wasn't like them --- human --- or at least she wasn't all human. She looked pretty much human, beside the fact of the white in her shoulder length midnight black hair and her silver eyes. She sighed as she closed her eyes; her long dark lases brushing against her cheek.

"I wish that I knew my mother..." she said softly.

End Chapter One

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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