1. The Way I See

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BlackHat's POV

Everyday is a struggle when you're  fighting for the throne and the only way to go is up. If you think being a demon  such as i can go a day without dealing with human emotions wake up. Everybody thinks just because I'm  a demon i feel nothing and that's  not true because i feel wretched agony rip through me day to day. If i could just go with but a day where i don't  feel depressed or feel the agony rip through me that would be pleasant. Life has never been easy because i have to fight to keep my existence albeit alive. The other demons hate me and tormented me but little do they know who will get the throne.

I walked towards my office in hopes of relaxing and filling out paperwork so i could have peace. As i walked towards my office i saw Dr. Flug standing idle in front of his lab door and he glanced my way quickly but looked away quickly. I was perplexed about how he wears that paper bag on his head on a daily basis and how he never insists on taking it off. Dr. Flug never takes off his paper bag and nobody knows what he looks like under the paper covering. I wonder what he looks like from time to time...ONLY BECAUSE I'M  BORED AND DO NOT INSIST I LIKE HIM...because I don't.. 

People look at my demonic form with a curious gaze as if questioning whether i exist or i am a hallucinatory being by gas fumes. I would scare anybody except for Dementia, Dementia is obsessed with me and i find her repulsive. Dementia is way off of her rocker and pretty much acts like a cat yet looks like a lizard (despite the lizard on her head). Her canines show pretty sharp and she has one lime green eye and one brown eye. Her hair is bright pink but below the lizard head (it's  something she wears  as a headdress i think) it's  a very bright lime green. Dementia has sporadic cases of mania and  she acts like an animal yet looks human. Her talking is very fast compared to my speech but i don't complain. Her outfit always consists of a black dress and tights that has it ripped at the thigh on the left leg. Her shoes are mismatched, one blue whilst the other is red.

5.0.5 is annoying because he's just too soft and cuddly (if only he'd  turn into one of those bears from danganronpa). He looks like a giant blue bear with a yellow daisy on top of his head and he was an accident. 5.0.5 was a failed experiment who was soposed to be evil but was cute and cuddly. He makes breakfast and serves coffee to anybody who wants it but I'm  the Only one who will drink the coffee. That bear is too nice for his own good but i couldn't  put him down because even i am charmed by his polite acts. He hugs too much though in my opinion. I'm  not used to affection because i rarely got affection when i was younger so i don't  know how to react. When somebody hugs me i tense and don't  know how to react... But i digress on that subject.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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