1. Meeting

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I am standing in the front of the huge closed castle doors, I slowly push one of them it opens really slow. I can see my brother sitting on his throne, he sees me and looks very angry. 'David! There you are! You are late, again!' I yell back 'Yes I am late! I have stuff to do too!' I walk to my throne so fast as I can walk casually, I hesitate for one moment and I settle down to sit. The duke opens the meeting, 'I call the meeting opened!' Mario begins to talk 'I think we have to raise the taxes again, we have to buy new and better armor for the army.'
'Mario, does the army really need new and better armor. I think you raised the taxation already to much, if you go on like this no one wants to live in Entropia.' That is what I think about Mario's action, it was time to say it to him. 'David, David oh David. You don't get any of this stuff, what if people are planning to attack us then we end up dead. The army needs new and better armor.' Why do I have to be here again! I look dirty at Mario, he really deserves it. He treats the people in Entropia like dirt! He only thinks about himself! Somebody has to tell him, I can't do it even if I wanted nothing else. He is my brother, I stand up from my beautiful throne. 'David! Where are you going! We aren't done yet!' I was expecting Mario to say that. 'Mario, I am just going to take a breath outside. I will be back in a minute!' I walk over the beautifully decorated castle floor, I walk slowly to the door. When I am finally at the huge castle doors again, I think about my secret. Can I ever tell someone? Can I ever be like I was before, with knowing that I can get fire out of my hand? I open one of the huge castle doors quickly and I walk outside. I see my favorite tree, I walk to it and sit. I am staring at the sky, suddenly I see something fly. 'What? What is that?' Hhhmm... maybe it was nothing, or just a bird and I imagined that it was someone. Maybe I should go home, lay in my bed maybe then I feel more at home here in Entropia. Weird, I never felt like this before? Maybe Entropia isn't the best place to be. I walk to the door, open it and scream 'Mario, I feel sick so I am going home! Good luck with the rest of this meeting!' I close the door and open my wings, then I fly away to my house at the center of the kingdom. I have to find some quieter place to live, away from Mario and all the problems here. I fly over all the beautiful roofs of Entropia, I love the colorful big trees here. Some people hang little lamps in there, if it is night you see them and you are falling in love with these trees!

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