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This is the history of the kingdoms. You are free to read it or to skip it until anything about the past of the world is mentioned. This is also a guide to know about past events.

Well. It all began when the Freeths stablished a kingdom, like 900 years ago. They also created a feudal system with a King, knights and peasants. Everything was fine, until the Vealtores arrived. They were a group of people who abused the cultures they thought were weaker than them. They stablished fastly a kingdom near the Freeths. That forced Freeths to literally throw their feudal system in the trash to adopt the vealtorial system, which made the kingdom unstable. Peasants were treated more as slaves, knights were treated as servants of nobles and the King only got richer and more powerful. Peasants started a rebellion against the King, because of the vealtorial system, which treated them as animals. 

After tens of years attempting to change the King's mind, several knights and peasants declared independence to the kingdom which was influenced by the Vealtores. Important knights founded the Wisthelm Order and promised to treat well everyone in the new Order, excepting Freeths and Vealtores. It had peace about 70 years until the Vealtores attacked their land. So, 500 years ago, the Vealtores had totally influenced their culture to the Wisthelm Order, so they started behaving as the people who were their enemies. 

Three uncivilized groups in the peripheral area of the three kingdoms joined to defeat the Freeths, who were threatening their territory while extending control of other groups. The three groups founded the Third Gem Order. When Freeths and Vealtores noticed the new Order, they attacked them. The Third Gem Order declared war. Remaining original Wisthelm peasants and knights, who fled from the kingdoms, joined the war in the Third Gem Order as their only hope to be in a stable kingdom were all people were treated good. 

Unfortunately, Third Gem Order's army lost the battle and Vealtores and Freeths conquered their land, took half of their army as slaves, and killed a third part of their army. Only a sixth part of the Third Gem Order remained free or survived the battle. They surrendered approximately 450 years ago, being a group with no land, only living as nomads in the peripheral area. 

After 10 years of having surrendered, the remaining Third Gem Order began another war, The War of the Goomers, which decided the future of the kingdoms. While the Freeths thought they didn't have to worry about them, the new Third Gem Order, known as 'Goomers', reconquered in less than an hour the old Wisthelm land. Suddenly, the Freeths suffered the yellomigger desease, which made the army weaker, and Goomers easily took the fort. Hours after Goomers' temporary victory, Vealtore Kingdom soldiers (former knights) and slaves (former peasants) rebelled and founded the Leaperthane Republic. The Leaperthanes and the Goomers allied to defeat the Freeths and the Vealtores, but the Alliance only turned out into an unstable land again. After that, Freeths reconquered the fort and began The Battle of the Azure Moon, which took part while there was the closest apogee of the moon for 50 years.

Hundreds died in the battle. The Leaperthane leader, Hatt'um, betrayed the Goomers and took the Freeth and the Vealtore kingdoms. They joined into one empire and enslaved every Goomer in their land and every person who didn't recognize the empire. They developed a plusvealtorial system, which let the King and nobles to do whatever they wanted to the soldiers and peasant/slaves. It wasn't until Fourth Gem Order was founded by the Goomers and Leaperthane Slaves when they finally won a battle, which decided their existence in the future, known as The Battle of Silk.

The Fourth Gem Order turned into the Goomer Kingdom when it stablished its official land and villages. About 340 years ago, the Leaperthanic Empire started to have problems with people. The nobles thought about return into feudalism, but the Royal family didn't agree, only because that would decrease their power. After 15 years, Dan II the Leaper died because of the second yellomigger plague. He had two sons, one was 15 years old and other 16. Their father knew that they two had to take one throne, so he raised one in the Freeth fort and the other one in the Vealtore fort. The two forts were considered as principalities or provinces, each one managed by one prince. When the two sons were to be crowned, they signed the division of the Leaperthanic Empire into the Freeth Kingdom and the Vealtore Kingdom. The Freeth King stablished neofeudalism and the Vealtore one stablished tyrrenialism. 

Vealtores started to have more and more power with tyrrenialism, a new way of vealtorial system, but it was more feudal. The Freeths started a royaltical system, which meant that the Freeths would be partially managed by the Vealtore King as if he were part of the government council. The Freeths got richer with that Alliance, until 180 years ago, when they declared the Independence to the council. Vealtore King, Leucetear III, signed the Independence and Freeths again threw their system in the trash to adopt the economical capitalist system, which made everyone in the kingdom happy with the government again.

The Goomers and the Vealtores used to be in peace until the Goomers' King in that time, Porridge, who wanted to extend his land, conquered part of Freeth territories. That turned Vealtore angry and forced Goomers to give their gold and silver to them in exchange of being free and not being occupied by them. The Vealtores started to be more powerful stealing Goomers' gold and silver with their forced trading. Goomers were quickly losing power since the forced trading began, lasting around 200 years, until 75 years ago the forced trading was stopped in King Gumt's reign. So the Vealtore King at that time, Dan IV, invaded part of the Goomers' land. After that, the Goomer Kingdom ended up being smaller than Freeth and Vealtore ones.

Now, there is an enmity and a rivalry between the Freeths/Vealtores and the Goomers. That turns into a problem because the Goomers are still mistreated by the Freeths and the Vealtores in a new way, as a kind of racism or xenophoby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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