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"oh let me guess, marlboro again?" the sudden voice breaks the silence within the shop. i nodded quickly, and soon he's reaching into the dozens of shelves behind him. i nervously fiddled with my fingers to pass time and study the intricate designs of the countertop.

"that'll be £9.91, sir."

i pull out a tenner from my wallet, which was slowly becoming slimmer by day. i handed over the bill, and he hands back my change.

"thank you, have a good day sir," he adds.

i nod and step out the small shop.

after tearing the package open, i pull out a cigarette and place it between my lips. i light it, then take a drag. as soon as i remove the cigarette and blow out the smoke, it's almost as if all my worries disappear. i sigh as relief washes over me immediately.

after a few more drags, i decided it was finally time to head back to my apartment.

walking down the london streets with a cig in your mouth isn't the most flattering. a daily basis usually consists of glances and disgusted faces from non-smokers.

but that's okay.

because my time is running out anyways.

Huge thanks to ConfusionAtTheClub for helping me kickstart this story, and hitting me up with those sweet writing tips. Seriously, this wouldn't be possible without her, so please give her some love 💙

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