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It was scorching, peeling his skin away layer by layer, endlessly. And this, this was a temper tantrum. Sam was on fire in the most literal and painful sense. He was never allowed time to adjust to the heat, nor to cut everything out.

Michael was heartless.

Could Sam think, he would entertain the fact that his oppressor was an angel. A creature widely revered for it's forgiving and harmless nature.

But Sam couldn't think. Sam's brain was on fire and all that ran through his mind was pain. 

Eventually, it stopped, it was always the same, the fire would ebb away, leaving Sam gasping in the stifling warmth that was everywhere, in the darkness of hell. 

And then he would sleep, he dreamed of cold, and of ice, of being held by water. And in his dreams he flew as a brick does not, catching frozen winds. 

But when the fire came again that was all, no sleep, no dreaming, no air.

The King of Diamonds (Samifer)Where stories live. Discover now