Chapter 1

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Hi guys this is Ella this is my new book I hope you guys like it I do not own the Ppg,Rrb, Or the Sister location pls Comment, Vote, and Happy reading!!!!

Ella's POV

I was watching some tv when suddenly my phone rang I pick it up and I answered it "Hello???" I said while I turned off the Tv "Hello Bunny long time no see" its was my dad Professor "Oh Hi dad why are you calling me???" I said "Well I was just wondering if you can keep an eye on your sisters because I'm staying in Equestria for a month can you do that???" He said "Sure dad and can Ell and the others come and hangout with us???" I said while I gone outside "Sure honey" He said "Bye dad" I hang up I was jumping up and down of excitement "Yes I'm going back home well here in Philippines is peaceful and Beautiful but I miss my home so much I can't wait!!!" I gone inside and went upstairs and gone to my bedroom I packed up my things and went to the airport " I'm gonna miss Philippines" I drive my car to the airport and I grab my ticket and I waited for my flight  when I was there I met Blitz a.k.a Kyle his my boyfriend "Hi Ella" Kyle said "Hi Kyle are you going to America too???" I said "Yup he is!!!" A girl said, It was Ell my future Self with the others futures "Hey Ella" Ell said while "I'm waiting for my flight its taking forever" I said and sigh "I have an Idea let's take my dragons!!!" Ell said "That's a great idea Ell" Kyle said "Follow me" Ell said we followed Ell outside of the airport "Dragonita we need your help" Ell shouted then a dragon came I was a little bit nervous but Kyle hold my hand I blush a little bit I climb the dragon then I sit on the dragon "Hold on tight everyone" Ell said "Dragonita bring us to america super fast" Ell said so the dragon flap her wings and bring us to america it was an amazing view then four hours later at last were here in America

Blossom's POV

I was so excited that Bunny is going home!!! I can't wait, at first I thought Ella looked like Bunny but she turns out to be Bunny after all "I'm so excited that Bunny is coming home I can't wait!!!" Bubbles said while she was making a dress for Bunny,Bubbles is a great fashion designer after all "Me too Bubs she hasn't been here in Townsville for a while maybe we can show her around" Buttercup said " That's a great Idea Buttercup!!!" I said while I put the tray into the oven I was making Ella's favorite cookies Sugar cookies Ell taught me the recipe and Brick taught me how to bake I waited for the cookies in the kitchen then suddenly I hear our doorbell rang "I'll get it" Bubbles said while she opened the door we saw Brick,Boomer, and Butch our boyfriends of course "Come in guys" Bubbles said while she closed the door "I can't wait for Ella and Kyle to come here!!!" Boomer said "Hi guys" I said while I pull the tray out of the oven "Oooh I can't wait Ella to taste her favorite sugar cookies" "Me too Blossom" Brick said while he wrapped his arms around my waist I blush just a little bit suddenly my phone rang I answered it "Hello" I said "Hi ya Bloss me and Kyle are here in the airport were waiting for you guys" Ella said "Your here!? Wow that's quick" I said "We didn't take a airplane to go here" Ella said "You didn't take a plane then how do you get here!?" I was shocked when Ella said that "We take Dragons!!!!" Ella said "Dragons!? Wait...... your with Ell are you???" I said "Yup" Ella said "We'll picked you up bye" I hang up then I put my phone in my pockets "We have to pick Ella she's at the airport" "Wow that was quick" Bubbles said "Let's go girls" I said we got our stuff together when I was putting some stuff into my bag I heard a doorbell rang "I'll get it" Butch said "Hi Butch" Ella said "Ella?! Your here!?" Butch said in shocked "Yup I'm here with Kyle" Ella said "Who's at the door???" I said "Its Ella" Butch said "Wait what!? Ella is here!?" I said and I was shocked  I go downstairs and Ella and Kyle are sitting on the couch I hugged Ella "Your here" I said in tears "Hi Blossom long time no see" Ella said the others go downstairs and saw Ella,Kyle and me Bubbles and Buttercup hugged Ella and Brick,Boomer and Butch highfive Kyle and hugged him too "We miss you so much Ella" Bubbles said "I miss you guys too" Ella said "Its been A long time since we hangout Ella" Butch said "Yea it has lets hangout with our friends" Ella said "Thats a great Idea Ella" I said so I grab my phone dialed the numbers and call our friends

Eric's POV

I was eating lunch then suddenly my phone rang I picked it up and I answered it "Hello" I said while I eat my lunch "Hi Eric-chan its me Blossom Ella's here in Townsville" Blossom said "Really!? That's great Blossom!" I said while I wash the dishes "Maybe we can hangout with Kory,Beat,Mia, and Althea" Blossom said "That's sounds fun I'm in"  I said "Bye Eric will meet at our house" Blossom said "Ok bye"  I hang up and put my phone into my pockets I go upstairs and grab my stuff then I waited for a cab I got inside the cab "to the ppg house pls" I said to the man then he drive the car to the ppg house

Koryalla's POV

I was hanging out with my friends when suddenly my phone rang "Guys I need to take this" I said to my friends I pick up my phone and I answered it "Hello" I said "Hi Kory Ella is here with us" Blossom said "She's here!?" I said with Excitement "Yup she's here I was wondering if we can hang out" Blossom said "I want to hangout with you guys" I said in excitement "Then meet us at our house" Blossom said "I will bye" I said and I hang up and I put my phone into my bag "Guys I need to go bye" I said to my friends then I got inside my car then drive it to the ppg house

Beat's POV

I was reading some books when suddenly my phone rang "Hello" I said "Hi Beat its me Blossom Ella's here in America" Blossom said "Really?! That's great" I said "Maybe we can hangout with her and the others" Blossom said "That's sounds great I'm in" I said with excitement "Great then meet us on our house" Blossom said "Ok see ya" I said and I hang up I go upstairs to my room I packed my stuff then I go outside I got in my car then drive it to the ppg house

Ella's POV

I waited for the others Althea and Mia teleported here "Its taking them forever to get here" I said with a boring tone "Don't worry there will be here" Bubbles said "Hi guys" Eric said "FINALLY your here" Blossom  said "Sorry there was traffic" Kory said "Yea dont blame us" Beat said "Its ok" I said "So what do we do now???" Eric said "Lets go to the mystic isles" Ell said "Nah I got something better" I said "Ok so what is it???" Blossom said "Lets go to Circus Baby pizza world" I said "Y-You mean t-the h-haunted pizzaria???" Bubbles said "Yea lets go there tomorrow early" I said "But for now lets get some Ice cream  and go to the mystic isles" Blossom said all of us noded so we got some ice cream and gone to the mystic isles it was a blast but tomorrow will be awsome all of us gone home for tomorrow

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