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Jisung was yelling at Minho again. It was always like this. Whenever Minho would fuck up one simple thing, Jisung would tell him never to do it again and to try harder. Today, Minho had accidentally dropped a plate on the floor and shattered it. He did clean it up right after, but still, Jisung told him, "Stop being so fucking clumsy!"

It's not the first time Jisung has yelled at him, of course. One time, Minho tripped and fell right onto Jisung. He was so angry you could practically see flames coming out of his ears.

Now, you may be wondering how Minho feels, right? Well Minho isn't doing very well, about 2 months after Jisung started this while scolding thing he was diagnosed with depression. He used to love Jisung also, and might still, despite his hate toward him. Jisung always said it was to help him improve but anyone can see that it's much more than that.

"I didn't mean to..." Minho tried explaining to the furious Jisung.

"I don't care! Just don't do it again!" Jisung yelled.

Just then, Woojin walked in the room, "Jisung, I know you're angry, but you need to call down. He didn't mean to drop the plate, it was an accident. Everybody makes mistakes, you just need to accept that he can't be perfect. You make mistakes too, okay? So stop scolding Minho for every little thing he does wrong!"

After Woojin's little rant, Jisung shut up and stomped to his shared room with Minho.

Minho then broke down crying, right there in the living room. All of the other members came out, now that Jisung is in his room.

They all tried comforting Minho and telling him that it was okay. But Minho knew better than that, he knew that it wasn't okay, not to Jisung.

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