A Discipline Problem

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"So Kolivan, why's it called the Blade of Marmora, anyway?" Lance asked, bored because he felt like there was nothing for him to do while everyone else tried to fix the castle.

"It is named for a great Galra warrior who betrayed Zarkon ten thousand years ago," Kolivan answered without looking up from whatever Galra tech he was working on.

"Way back then? What'd he do?"

Kolivan looked up seriously, his eyes focusing on Lance.

"He was the Paladin of the Red Lion."

"Woah wait seriously? The red paladin was Galra? How exactly did he betray Zarkon?"

"We do not know. The answer is lost to time, or Zarkon has purposely erased it from Galra memory. But Marmora died fighting Zarkon, and that is enough. We will finish what he started."


*Ten thousand years ago, on planet Altea*

"So Allura, d'you think there's gonna be any cuties in the envoy?" Althos asked his cousin.

The princess, a young, spitfire thing only twelve sun-cycles old, rolled her eyes. "They're sending their best and brightest pilots to become the Paladin of the Red Lion, and you're worrying about whether they're attractive?! You never change, Althos."

"What can I say; I have my priorities straight."

Allura groaned. "You don't have anything straight. I can't believe I'm related to you. Nor can I believe that somehow of all the finest Altean pilots, you were chosen by the Blue Lion."

"Hey, I'm a great pilot!"

"You'd be a better one if you'd stop slacking and started training."

They made faces at each other, until one of the king's aides came to their place by the fountain and knelt solemnly. "Princess Allura. Duke Althos. The Galra envoy has arrived, and the king requests your presence."

Althos and Allura exchanged glances, and then Allura sighed and got up. "We shall be there immediately. Come, cousin."

"Don't order me around! I'm older than you, y'know!"

"You don't act like it."

"I'm the one old enough to date," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows at her as they walked.

"I don't have time for romance," she sighed. "And neither do you."

He stretched, grinning at her. "Oh Princess, there's always time for romance."

Althos and Allura took their places by King Alfor's side as they waited for the envoy to make it to the throne room. Allura stood directly at her father's right side, and Althos waited at a respectful distance.

The Galra had been the Alteans' primary allies in creating the Lions of Voltron, and their leader, Zarkon, piloted the Black Lion, the great robot's head. Completing the project, finally forming Voltron, was the final step in cementing their partnership.

Althos had seen plenty of Galra before-- covered in fur of various shades of purple and gray, with adorable animal-like ears. He thought they looked cute, although his mother had chastised him for thinking so. That a race as advanced and strong as the Galra were not "cute". It didn't stop him from thinking it, though.

When the doors opened, he straightened himself up-- he was usually a slacker, but he would never make King Alfor look bad if he could help it.

In the front was Zarkon, the Galra leader and Black Paladin. He was tall, as most Galra were, but very serious. He was a good friend of King Alfor-- as such, he did not bow when he reached the throne.

PredestinationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora