The Last Sunny Day

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It was her last sunny day. She woke up late as usual. She couldn't remember a thing from last night, only that she had tried to drown her sorrows in all sorts of different liquids that poisoned the soul.

Just as she did every morning, she pinched herself to check whether she was truly alive or not. Then she'd check the time, usually around one in the afternoon. She climbed out of her small bed and walked to the window. The sun was shining. She could feel its warmth. She opened the window to hear the cries of the seagulls and the roaring of the cars. Today was different, and she could feel it. Wearing the same black shirt she slept in, she put on some jean shorts and sunglasses and went outside. She left barefoot, as she believed that wearing shoes would stop you from feeling the earth, and the earth was sacred.

As she was walking on the beach, she realised it was empty. The hot sand against her feet and the slushing of the sea. It was all peaceful. It was unusually peaceful. Had she successfully drowned her sorrows last night? She couldn't hear the voices shouting in her head, telling her to stop but to start again, to give up, to let go, fighting over what to do and what not to do. Those demons in her, that was gone. She would always try to silence them with loud music, or take things, children of science, that would make her forget who she was. Today, that day, there were no more voices, There was only the sea and the sand. The warm wind blowing in her face, she felt something, but she didn't know how to describe it. Like a sense of relief mixed with hope, like when you've finally accomplished something and you shed tears. She couldn't describe this uplifting feeling, this feeling that made her feel alive.


She never believed in it, she hadn't felt it, Inside of her there was always emptiness. And all she ever saw in others was their darkness. Something was strange, she couldn't hear the cars anymore. The roads were empty and there were no people, even the seagulls had vanished. There was only her, her and her mid, which was finally at peace.

So she continued to walk down the beach, enjoying the sun and the sea, a smile on her face. She hadn't smiled for so long her facial muscles were unaccustomed to it. She walked up to the ocean and dipped her feet in. The water was fresh and clear. She walked in the ocean and couldn't believe how happy she was. How happy these simple things made her. She thought she was in a dream, so she pinched herself. She couldn't feel it, but she hadn't woken up. This was her last sunny day, as she had died in the previous night. 

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