Chapter 1 ~ Really?!

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"LIA!" my bestfriend, Justice, called me over from across the room during Study Hall.

"What do you want?" I asked her when I reached her.

"Why are you so uptight?" she asked looking at me puzzled, "your always so chill."

"Well I was trying to study for finals, I dont know why you arent doing the same."

"Remember idedic memory!" she said tapping the side of her head.

Justice has idedic memory which means she pretty much can look at or read something once and pretty much know EXACTLY what it says. She aces all her tests and quizzes.

"Well some people dont have idedic memory. Now why did you call me over here?"

"Well Mason asked me to ask you something that he was too afraid to ask you himself."

"Really?!?!" I said all excited.

I looked over at Mason, he looked up and caught my eyes with his. I quickly looked down at my hands feeling awkward, cause he pretty much just caught me staring at him.

"He said he wanted to ask you out on a date! and me and Kyle are going with you guys so its not awkward!"


Kyle is Justice's boyfriend, they havent been going out very long but they have known each other for a long time.

Justice was helping me study when Mason walked over.

"Hey Lia! Hey Justice!"

"Hey Mase!" Justice greeted him.

Justice and Mason are pretty good friends.

"H-hey Mason." i said awkwardly.

"Are you excited for our da....uh....hang ...."

"Yea i am!" i said cutting him off so he didnt have to stumble over his words anymore.

"Great so i was thinking we could go to the park, have a picnic and like play frisbee or something." He said smiling.

"Yea thats sounds fun!"

Just then Kyle came up behind Justice and put his hands over her eyes.

"Hey babe!" she said.

"What?? how'd you know it was me??"

"Im phsycick!" She said as Kyle sat down next to her.

We were all talking about the picnic and how we are all pretty much screwed for finals, except of course for Justice.

After a while the bell rang and me and Justice went to our last class. Justice and I are in all of our classes together, and Kyle and Mason are in all their classes together.

After the class pretty much dragged on and on and on, the last bell finally rang. Justice and i were walking down the hall to grab our stuff when we saw a Freshman run down the hall with his arma up screaming,


We both looked at each other and said, "freshmans." while rolling our eyes.

Justice drove me home after we got all of our stuff together, then as soon as i got home i ate food, watch tv, then went to bed and that night all i could think about was him.

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