😊best day ever😊

919 14 7

Y/n pov

Oh my god ...why did it have to rain..Today....
I was pretty pissed at god for making it rain ....ugh...
I didn't even bring an umbrella
What should I do now? I have to get home....

I have been waiting at the store that I came to buy groceries .
Mom is gonna worry now .....

"Hello ?? Why are you standing here y/n?"
Huh whats that?? ..i just heard someone.....might be my mind
"Y/n... can you hear me?"
I looked at where the voice was coming from...there I saw c/n ??

"C/n what are you doing here??
I asked
" Oh ..I came here to buy some groceries."
"What are you doing here??"he asked
"Just the same as you,to buy groceries"
I replied

"Y/n why are you standing here?"he asked
"Oh,i m standing here waiting for the rain to stop "
I replied
"Don't you have an umbrella?" He asked
"Well.......no,i don't have an umbrella"
I said
"Well we can share my umbrella...."
C/n said
Share...like share share c/n 's umbrella....I can be with him that way.... Should i say yes or should I say no???
"Uh... I don't know ..it might be a problem for you "I said ,honestly

"No,it won't be a problem for me y/n "
He said
"Okay,i guess we can 'share' "I said

C/n opened his umbrella and we got under it ..we started walking
Wait does he know my address and what about his home ??he has to go home right ??
"C/n do you know my address??and what about your home don't you have to go home ??"I asked

"Don't worry y/n I know your address
(A/n:creep and stalker alert !!alert)
And about my home...my home is kinda near your house so it won't be a problem"c/n said

Wow ,I never knew c/n's house was near mine ...new knowledge y/n..take it in...it may help you...

We reached my house ..

"Thank you c/n for sharing an umbrella with me and also walking me here ...."
I said as I walked to the door

"Wait!!"c/n said

"I was thinking....maybe we could hang out ...not like a date but if you want it to be I will not protest ...."c/n said scratching the back of his neck nervously

"I would love to go on an date with you "I said happily
(A/n:well duh anyone will be happy if their crush asked them out 😐)

"Really ???" C/n asked
"Yes,really" I replied

"Then will you be free tomorrow??"
"Yes I will be .."

"Then I will pick you up at 7.is that okay ??"

"Yes c/n it will be okay "

"Okay ...be ready tomorrow .."

"Bye see you tomorrow .."
"Bye see you too tomorrow too!!"

Best day everrrrrr

The end

Word count:540(I guess)

Whoa that was...........lame as hell
You may thinking what's wrong with author chan..well her idea space in her head is getting destroyed....

I hope you like this one shot
(I really really hope ......)

And thank you for reading this crappy book..


author chan
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