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>> Your P.o.v <<

I sighed happily as I laid on the couch, my headphones blasting music into my ears and my phone lying on my stomach. I reached my hand into my bag of Fighter chips and lightly tossed one into my mouth sighing in content and total relaxation.

"Techna!" My eyes widened as I fell off the couch, landing face first on the ground. I groaned as I sat up and took my headphones off, hearing the crunch of my chips which I was now crushing.

"There you are! Why aren't you out doing something productive?" Uncle Gar stood in the doorway of the living room. Because of his shades, I couldn't tell if he was looking at me or not, but I just assumed he was.

I slowly rose to my feet, dusting off the crumbs from where I crushed my poor chips and straightened up to face Uncle Gar,

"I was relaxing, what else?" I ask him, bending down to pick up my phone, making sure it hadn't cracked.

"I know the perfect opportunity for you to get up and do something productive!" he said ignoring me statement. I threw back my head as I groan in annoyance.

"How about you come and work in my bodega?" He asked.

"No thanks," I announce, slipping my headphones onto my shoulder and putting my phone into the pocket of my shorts. I looked over to the doorway at the silence only to see he left the room. I sighed in relief and got back on the couch and began quietly singing to myself. As I did so, one of the chips flew from the ground and into my mouth. I chewed it and then began singing again, the chips repeating the process. I did that until I was cut off from something soft hitting my face. "You start tomorrow" I heard Uncle Gar say, making me groan as I grabbed A fist full of the fabric of whatever he threw at me and threw it off of my face and onto the other end of the couch. I sat up and looked up to my Uncle, who was leaving the room until he stopped in the door frame with has back to me.

"oh, and Techna" I raised an eyebrow toward his muscular form.

"Yah?" I asked curiosly.

"clean up those chips" and with that, he left the room. I groaned in annoyance slipping my earbuds back on and singing lightly again.

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