Bad Jokes.

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My friend was determined to tell me some awful jokes. This was my response to him... enjoy!

"What is green and goes-"

A frog in a blender. Yes, I know.

"An englishman, an-"

I've heard all of these twice already, now go!

"What do you get when you cross-"

Please stop, you're embarassing yourself.

"A man walks into a bar and-"

Things are looking bad for my mental health...

"What do you call a-"

Aaaahh, leave me alone!

"Why did the chicken-"

Smack. Let's hope that it's finally hit home.

"...I'll be quiet now."

Bad jokes are a pet hate of mine, as he knows.

And to think all it took to make him quiet was a nice, bloodied nose.

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