My Life Through the Moonglade

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I feel empty, my stomach a bottomless black void. I feel lost. He was my whole world. My whole, entire great-big world. We had a kind of relationship that was indescribable. We were closer than most brothers and sisters. We knew every, single bit of information about each other. There were no loose ends. Except for now. He left me with no warning. No sign. Not even a clue.
Sweat slides heavily down my face. The sun beats harshly onto my skin, my lungs beginning to lack air. I slow my pace and jog to the nearest bench. Sitting down I feel that the bench is radiating a lot of heat, I flinch at the burning sensation. I put my head into my hands and try to regain my breath. I wheeze uncontrollably. My head spins, as I haven't hydrated enough for the Arizona heat. I hear faint footfalls for about five seconds but finally decide it must just be some kind of result of dehydration. But then it comes again. And again. And then a third time. I begin to realize it's not just because of my foolishness relating to inadequate water consumption. The footfalls are mysterious, suspicious. I hear a slicing metal sound, my head still in my hands, trying not to make any sudden movements. I conjure up the idea that the sound must've been a knife being taken out of a modern scabbard. My heart starts beating in my throat and my adrenaline takes off. I can't think of a single thing to do, as I don't have anything to defend myself. Before I have time to ponder my decisions, I get up quickly and resume my jog, acting as if the footfalls aren't playing as interlopers in my current unfortunate situation. The oak trees planted at random beside the cement path seem as if they are viciously closing in around me and I hasten to escape the feeling. The air feels sticky and the path in front of me seems never-ending. The footfalls seem to be creeping closer and closer and I run quicker and quicker. I begin to feel very tired, my asthma taking over. Soon, I stop. I can't run any farther. I can feel a presence right behind me and then I feel a piercing pain I could never fathom before this moment. And then another piercing pain, at least thirty of these. I am on the ground now, blood oozing out of my abdomen. I am numb, every bit of feeling leaving my body for good, my vision clouding over.
I am warm, I can feel heat radiating off of something I am lying on. I open my hands, as they were in tight fists, and feel around beside me. It's coarse, tiny, and there's a lot of it. Sand. I open my eyes and the sun excitedly says hello. I blink continuously to adapt to the light. I sit up quickly and stand on my feet. In front of me there is a vast body of water, and all of a sudden everything goes black. The sun is now the moon, and a moonglade begins to form. Something slices through the moonglade and I become curious. That something suddenly rises out of the water and stands. It is a human. They start to walk through the water towards me, with their hand reached out kindly. They have a slight smile on their face, lit up by the moonlight. As they inch closer, I soon realize it is someone I know. It is my brother. He is right in front of me and grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. We both seem to fly below the water, at an increasing speed. In the water I don't need to hold my breath. I see memories of my past flash by me. My mom, my dad, and my older sister. They are all crying, as they have just found out the news about my brother. Another scene pops up on the other side of me and it is the time when I learned how to walk. I wobble back and forth as my mother guides me through the living room. Several more memories show and then the water is sucked away. My brother and I drop harshly onto a dusty ground. We are in a desert. My brother turns towards me, smiles, and says, "Hi, I'm Caleb, what's your name?"

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