#1 Nothing left to Say but Goodbye

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(A/N: BEFORE WE BEGIN; Set 2 years after season 6 finale of Teen Wolf. Peyton would have left Beacon Hills after season 2/before season 3. This doesn't follow the plot for One Tree Hill.)

Peyton lives in Tree Hill and is co-owner of Karen's Cafe along with Haley James Scott and Brooke Davis. Along with running Red Bedroom Records with signed artists such as Haley James Scott and Mia Catalano. She and Lucas Scott dated for a brief while but are now just friends. She has spoken to Peter Hale briefly since her departure from Beacon Hills, so she is aware that Allison Argent is dead and that Scott McCall is the true alpha, but those were the last two conversations she'd had with Peter. She hasn't spoken to any of them since then

She has kept her own powers suppressed, buried deep in a dark vault in her mind. So deep that it is barely even a part of her anymore. Most days, she doesn't even think of her old life back in Beacon Hills, and when she does she looks back on her choice to leave with no regrets. But she can't quite shake the lingering feeling of regret that leaving Derek Hale behind has left engraved in her heart. The hole that his absence left was one Peyton has attempted to fill with work and friends, and that had worked for a while, but it was a temporary fix.

Peyton's P.O.V.

Peyton's House - Tree Hill, North Carolina

I open my eyes trying to adjust to what's a dream and what's reality, the sheets soft and warm under my hand. I hear the gentle rustle of the leaves of the tree outside my window. I greet the day with a smile and fly out of bed and roam towards the kitchen with a goofy grin plastered on my face. Nothing of great significance has turned my mood into a great one, it's just my life in general. I'm the owner of two businesses in the town where my parents grew up, I have the best and most supportive friends in the world and the most stressful thing to happen to me this month was the coffee machine at the cafe breaking and having to replace it - which a completely normal and human problem.

I put on one of my many CD's and dance around in an oversized shirt with the only two of the middle buttons done. I dance across the kitchen as I grab the eggs and bacon from the fridge and grab a pan and place it on the stove, lighting it. I crack the eggs into the pan and grab another pan and place it on the stove and lighting it, placing strips of bacon onto the pan. I shuffle to the beat of the song over to the spatula and back to the stove.

I dance on the spot. "Will you recognize me? Call my name or walk on by. Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling. Down, down, down, down. Hey, hey, hey, hey.Ooh woh." I sing along to the song. Just as I flip over the eggs, Grayson, my boyfriend, walks out from my bedroom. "Morning Baby." He mumbles, still half asleep. "Hey, did I wake you?" I ask and he nods as he makes his way over to me. "Sorry, I'm sorry." I pout, feeling bad for waking him up. He shakes his head and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. He buries his head into the crook of my neck as I flip the bacon. "It's okay if this is what I get to wake up to," Grayson says and I blush and smile.

He pecks my neck. "You smell nice." He hums and I giggle. I put the bacon and eggs onto two plates and turn off the stove. He grabs my hand and spins me around and pulls me into an open space in the kitchen. "What the hell are you doing?!" I squeal, but the squeal turns into a laugh a when he picks me up bridal style and spins me around before putting me down. "Dance with me P. Sawyer!" He exclaims with his goofy smile and I cave and begin dancing.

He grabs one of my hands and laces it with his own and he puts his free hand on my waist as I put my free hand on his shoulder. "I say, La! La La La La. La La La La. Lala Lala Lala Lala." We belt out as he spins me away from him before spinning me back in and hugging me from behind. He attacks my neck with sloppy kisses and I squirm in his hold, squealing. I turn in his hold and kiss him with a smile and he does the same, the bacon and eggs left long forgotten as we dance around the house that my mother left in my name when she and my father left to live in Spain, they never could quite settle.

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