Chapter One: The Child Slave

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This story has been written by author, Bader Bloushi.

All characters and storylines of this story have been fictionalized by history.

— Chapter One: The Child Slave —


"Imagine one day, You have gotten captured as a child, not even 5 years old yet, and is suddenly considered a slave, taken into Ottoman hell, Would you want that?" explained a mysterious blonde lady, wearing a grey old coat, trying to enter the Topkapı Palace through the gates of which the guards, wearing a red uniform, will not allow.
"Listen, lady. We have no clue what or who you want, please elaborate as we could be able to help you," the guard replied, unable to understand what this woman is doing standing their in front of the guards talking some possible nonsense.

"I want my daughter! Evmania!" she suddenly began to yell, standing in front of the guards shedding a tear. She took a three-second pause, and elaborated, "when you sick Ottomans attacked our island, you have captured my daughter, Evmania. What was her fault? What has she done to you to cause all this suffering?"
"Calm down, lady, we will get information on this matter and will be able to see if you can take her or not," he responded, giving her a piece of hope that she will once again she her daughter.

Meanwhile, inside a room inside the Topkapı Palace where young Evmania stayed, since she was too young to sleep in the Harem with all the young women. She stayed there staring at the walls, with two concubines outside her door for her safety, suddenly she heard yelling, and her curiosity increases, she wonders 'what is happening outside by doorstep?'

She leaves her room, as the concubines warm her not too, her room was upstairs, and she could see after looking her room downstairs, as if it's a balcony, a balcony inside the palace. She sees the young women bowing down in a line, as Kosem Sultan, the queen of the Palace and the mother of the Sultan passes by. Kosem Sultan walks and walks, slowly and frighteningly, as if she is about to punish somebody.

When suddenly, some girls start playing the lovely instruments and others are dancing, while Kosem sits on her Harem chair.

"I am Valide Kosem Sultan the Magnificent!" she says to her what looks to be her daughter, "I do not want such behavior from you again, my Ayse Sultan."

As months passed, Evmania found someone powerful yet caring, and went under a young Sultan, Turhan Sultan's wings, she was taught everything by Turhan.. and Turhan slowly became a mother figure for Evmania.

Turhan Sultan's a beautiful Sultan, She was the wife of Sultan Ibrahim, Kosem's son, who unfortunately died a horrid death long ago.

Turhan's son, Mehmed had began his reign when he's just a child. Turhan didn't get to become Valide Sultan (mother of a Sultan role, even though she was the mother of the Sultan) because she was overlooked by the palace walls, she was judged by everyone as to being young and having no experience, making Kösem (Mehmed's grandmother) Valide Sultan once again.

Turhan's rage was quiet, she hid all her rage inside of her and too not let it out until she has power to blast the rage out.

Many years have passed, and Turhan finally had the power and the help to kill Kösem Sultan, and she did. Kösem and all her concubines, and servants, and all the people that supported were killed, all corpses left in the grounds of the palace. Blood was everywhere, Turhan made sure Evmania (who Turhan renamed her Mehpare at that time) wouldn't see all the bloodshed, so Mehpare couldn't revel against her in the future thinking Turhan is full of evil, and she was only 9 years old at that time as well, a child would be scarred for life for seeing blood drip from the palace walls, so Turhan had Mehpare in a chamber with Mehmed with two concubines, Ayşe Hatun & Hümaşah Hatun.

Mehpare and Mehmed both were 9 at the night of Kösem's death. That was the first time Mehmed had saw Mehpare.

1658, Mehmed was 16 & was old enough to have over his first concubine. As concubines went in and out the door, one concubine got pregnant. Sivayuş Hatun had gotten pregnant. Mehmed spent his time taking care of Sivayuş, and Mehpare spent all her time as a concubine and dear friend to Turhan. 9 months later, Mehmed's first baby was born, and it's a boy, who he named "Selim" making Sivayuş Haseki Sultan (the Sultan's favourite) so she has her own chamber now and concubines, as well as servants.

One day, Sivayuş walked to Mehmed's chamber.

"Open the door, I have to speak with his majesty," Sivayuş ordered the Guards.
"As you wish, my Sultan," the guard responded, respectfully.

"Yes, Siva? You should be taking care of your newborn child, he's only 2 weeks old and mashallah, and it already looks like Selim will be a soldier," Mehmed informed Sivayus about his prediction, smiling.
"I came to talk to you about something else, your majesty..." Sivayus tells dramatically, "Valide Turhan Sultan, your mother, is out to kill me."

Meanwhile, Turhan spends the days in her chamber chatting with Mahpare, and having her grandson, Selim visit her.
"His excellency, Sultan Mehmed!" The guard yells, as Sultan Mehmed is about to enter Turhan's chamber.

Sultan Mehmed marches in, with anger and disappointment.
"Valide, we need to talk.."
"Mahpare, take Selim to his mother," Turhan orders Mahpare to exit with Selim.

As soon as Mahpare leaves, Mehmed needs a confirmation.
"Is it true you tried to poison Sivayus, Valide?"
"That is nonsense, why would I?" Turhan responded, in shock.
"I don't know who to believe anymore, so here is what I will do..." Mehmed began, "Sivayus is not allowed to visit your chamber unless it's holiday time, and you are not allowed to visit hers as well."

"What about Selim, my grandson?" Turhan asked, "Am I not allowed to see him?"
"One of your concubines can bring him to you, and after take him back to his mother," Mehmed responded, in detail and solutions for every question she asks.

"Don't forget that we rule this empire together, equally meaning that you cannot order me, and I cannot order you!" Turhan yelled, in anger of this lie that Sivayus claims.
"I can always take the empire back.. all for myself.. if you want that.." Mehmed scares his mother after saying the words she was always dreading to hear.

As soon as he left the chamber, Turhan had to see Mahpare immediately.

"My Sultan, you wanted to see me?" Mahpare felt very nervous, as if she had done something wrong.
"Mahpare, come sit next to me. We have to talk," Turhan replied to Mahpare.
"What is the matter? Is his majesty alright?" she asked, worried about her poor lover's state.

"You have feelings for him, don't you?" Turhan asked Mahpare about her feelings towards his majesty.
"Yes, kind of. Please forgive me, my Sultan," Mahpare responded, dreading what Turhan will say next.
"Don't worry, it's nothing to be ashamed of," Turhan responded, laughing, "actually, I need your help..."
"Yes, my Sultan?"
Turhan responded with a shock in Turhan's face, "I will send you to his majesty this night, and I hope you will get pregnant and bear a son, because I need you to become apart of the Ottoman dynasty."

Mahpare's Mother
Kosem Sultan
Ayse Sultan
Turhan Sultan
Sultan Mehmed
Ayse Hatun
Hümaşah Hatun
Sivayus Sultan
Shehzade Selim

Kosem Sultan

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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