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The usual fun 'I-own-nothing-but-my-characters', Peter Jackson or the Tolkien estate, please do not sue me. I have no money.

This story is a sequel based loosely on events in the Tolkien universe, set between the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. At points, I mess about with chronology and outcome laid out as canon in Tolkien's work. In most cases that's hopefully on purpose and not me just being an idiot. It's taken me this long to figure out how to spell 'Thranduil' so you may want to give me some slack...

On the topic of what I own and what I do not: most of the characters and the entire universe I do not. Characters come from the works of J. R. R. Tolkien but using the characterisation laid out in the Peter Jackson movies.

You probably don't have to read For All The Gold for this, but you may want to before you jump into Nithi's headspace.

Anything else...

I'm hoping to keep a set publishing routine (emphasis on 'hoping'...) with chapters coming out at the start of each week. I say this in McDonalds on a Tuesday morning tapping on my phone so who knows how long it'll last...

Anyway boring stuff over and done with. I hope you enjoy Round 2 of Fili and Nithi!

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