Somethings Never Change

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Hello everyone! This is the first fanfiction I've ever written, I've had this idea in the back of my mind for awhile, and while there are a variety of ways this story could go, I hope you will enjoy this journey with me!

I do not own the Harry Potter series or the Originals/ The Vampire Diaries *sobs*


    The girl sitting in front of an antique mahogany vanity sighed, her dark loose waves of hair transfigured back into their original state of bushiness and a few shades lighter. Her red eyes covered by a fabulous muggle invention called contact lenses and her pale skin expertly concealed with make-up to give her a much healthier glow. The young witch hated make-up with a passion, not finding the point in getting one's self gussied up only to impress those around her, she found it much more practical to busy herself with her studies. But she had no choice now; she had to do what she had to do, at least it appeared as though she wasn't wearing anything albeit her dark lashes looked much too thick and luxurious. It was as if she had a pair of false lashes on; she only hoped it wasn't too noticeable.

    Taking one final look at herself in the mirrored vanity, she stood up at a speed that she was still not quite used to and cursed under her breath, she would have to watch how she moved from here on out. You see, this girl was no longer just the brightest witch of her age, she held a dark secret, one she couldn't even tell her two best friends about, Hermione Jean Granger was a vampire.

    Looking around her room to make sure she didn't forget anything she caught a glimpse of a ring on her desk. Placing it on her finger, she gazed at the silver ring and the dark green emerald that was set at its center and inwardly thanked every higher being she could think of for the peculiar type magic that was used for this literal lifesaver known as a daylight ring. Magic she now harbored within herself.

    Grabbing her trunk, she loosened her posture a bit to appear less rigid and apparated to an alleyway beside King's Cross Station, this was it, the true test was about to begin, the act of the century, she should truly be sorted into Slytherin if she passes. Plastering a smile on her face, Hermione made her way to the station towards the entry of platform nine and three quarters.

   She genuinely smiled at the view in front of her, the smell of the train and the looks of excitement on the faces of the first years. She smiled at the friends who haven't seen each other since, before the final battle at Hogwarts, the hugs that were exchanged and the tears shed made her heart ache for those who would never be able to come back. As she made her way towards the train she smelled them before she could see them, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley.

    Turning quickly on her heel she grinned with her teeth at her two best friends, opening her arms wide to embrace the two of them. Hermione managed to convince Harry to come back for their seventh year he hesitantly agreed due to her nagging about the importance of receiving an educational degree, Ron quickly agreed afterward. Although there was pain that came at the back of her throat while being so close to their necks she pushed it aside quite easily, these were the two people she loved most in the world, even her short-lived relationship with Ronald did nothing to affect the bond they shared, she wouldn't allow her thirst ruin their perception of her.

    "'Mione" Harry finally broke the silence after they broke apart, "How've you been?" he raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side. "Would it have hurt you to owl once in a while? We were worried sick, we haven't heard from you since your short letter saying you've returned from Australia. We were about to send out the bloody Aurors to make sure you were okay." He huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms, Hermione could tell Harry spent a lot of his time at the burrow, she felt like she had just received a howler from Molly Weasley, at this point, Ron decided to chime in.

Dramione - Time Will Tell - HerlijahTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon