ONE : Good News ..... For Some

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Hermione's POV 

Four wax sealed envelopes were eagerly torn open at the same time by Harry, Ron, Ginny and I. 

My eyes shut, waiting, hoping, for the shiny pin to drop out of it... but nothing came. For Harry and Ginny though, it was a different story. 

"Mum!" Ginny called out in delight. "Look!" She held up a gold badge that reflected the bright, 8am sun into Mrs Weasley's eyes.

"Oh, Ginny! Head Girl!" Mrs Weasley said, taking the pin from Ginny to examine it. "How wonderful!" Mrs Weasley's mouth said she was excited for Ginny, but her eyes didn't. 

Mr and Mrs Weasley along with their 6 children had been mourning the loss of Fred for months now. I'd felt as if it was time to move on, get on with the upcoming school year, pass our N.E.W.T.S with flying colours, but then again, I wasn't the one who had lost a brother. 

 I couldn't help but feel jealous of Ginny. The head girl position I had worked so hard for over the last 7 years had been given to a girl who was brave, sure, but wasn't as clever as me. So why didn't I get it? I deserved this. 

I was prefect in my 5th and 6th year. I should have been the one to get that Head Girl badge and show it off to the Weasleys and Harry. I helped find all the horcruxes and destroy them. Without me, Ron and Harry would have never been able to defeat Voldemort. Jealousy swirled in my chest.

I pretended to be occupied by studying my 8th Hogwarts letter when Ginny and Harry greeted me at the other end of the table. 

"Hermione, you'll never guess what!" Harry said. 

"You're head boy?" I remarked almost a little too sassily, as I kept my eyes fixed on the letter. I didn't want to look him or Ginny in the eyes.

"How'd you guess?" He sighed, chuckling as he looked at Ginny who was beaming furiously. 

"Of course you did, Harry. McGonagall's not going to pick anyone but you after all of what happened last year." I replied, still reading words on my letter that I wasn't paying any attention to.

He shrugged. 

After a moment of awkward silence, I asked with a tint of stubbornness in my voice; "I wonder who the head girl will be. I wonder if it's Draco's girlfriend, Pansy. She's a suck up."

"Actually, Hermione, it's me." Ginny said modestly, opening up her fist in front of me to reveal the shiny badge that bore the words Head Girl engraved in an elegant but sensible font. 

Looking at the badge in another's hand made my eyes want to fill with tears. But I held them back, and congratulated Ginny and Harry by giving them each hugs and talking rubbish like, "I know you'll do a tremendous job," into their ears. I still couldn't look either of them in the eyes, nor Ron or any of the other Weasleys for a matter of days until the time came around to floo to Diagon Alley to collect our school supplies. Maybe I would be over it then. 


credit to Major_Fangirl248 who has helped me with this chapter and future chapters :)

Sincerely, Draco     ( Dramione )Where stories live. Discover now