Chapter 1

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I woke up and turned to see my handsome husband facing me. He was finally sleeping peacefully after all of the ruckus last night. He always had nightmares that seemed to take over his sleep, so I loved it when he got to rest. "I love you, Joey." I whispered as I combed my fingers through his brown hair.

I kissed his neck and pushed the hair off his forehead as I stood to let Hitch outside. "Hitch come here boy!" I said cutely to the little dog that sat outside of Marley and Sawyer's door. He jumped like a little bunny and automatically ran to the sliding glass door. I stood outside and watched Hitch chase an orange butterfly across the yard for some playtime.

When we went back inside, I saw Marley in the kitchen in one of Sawyer's torn up shirts. "Good morning." She said as she took a sip of her coffee. I just yawned and waved. "Rough night?" She asked. I nodded, "Joey had another nightmare. He worries me." She frowned and hugged me. "Joey'll be alright." She assured.

We both went to the couch and talked. "But you just don't see him when he's acting up." I said. "I'm watching him cry and be so scared.. and I can't do anything to stop it." She frowned again, "Sawyer said he always had to help Joey. Says it started around a year ago." I felt tears whelp in my eyes. "I just feel like I'm useless." Marley leaned over and rubbed my back. "He knows you can't help it, Ashlee. He knows." I tried to smile, "I know."

I heard a jiggling doorknob and quickly re-adjusted myself. "Hey baby." Sawyer said, spotting Marley on the couch. "Hi SH." she answered. He smiled at the nickname she had for him. "Morning Lee." he said as he pulled Marley up into his lap as he sat on the couch. "Morning Soy Sauce." I said, trying to hide the crack in my voice. "You alright?" he asked. He could tell. I nodded, "Yep." He and Marley shared a kiss before he looked around. "Did you take Hitch out?" "I took him out when I woke up." I said, standing to grab a cup of cocoa for Joey and I when he woke up. I decided to let Marley and Sawyer be alone so I went back to Joey.

I lied beside him and kissed his forehead, neck, and shoulder. I saw a small smile spread across his face, "Hmm." I smiled and gave his nose a little nip. He giggled but kept his eyes closed. "Good morning, Ducky." I said. "Good morning Princessa." he answered, calling me, Princessa, because of my Mexican heritage. "Come on JoJo, open your eyes." I said laughing. He shook his head, "Nuh uh." "I could be shirtless." I said temptingly. His eyes slowly opened and I kissed his nose. "Ha, got you to open your eyes!" I teased. He opened them fully and pulled my on top of him, kissing me passionately. We parted breathlessly and he whispered, "I love you."

I lied my head in his chest and groaned, "Ew Joey!" "What?" he asked, placing me beside him. "Shave your monkey chest and trim your arm hairs." I said disgusted. He laughed and pulled me into a hug, "You like my hairy body!" he joked, pulling me closer. "No Joey!" I shouted. I tried to escape his grip but he was strong. I slid out under his arms and ran for the door that led to the living room. I caught a glance of him quickly pulling on a white t-shirt.

"No!" I shouted as he got closer to me. I slid the glass door open and ran out in the backyard. We ran around the pool twice before we got to the 10ft area and he tackled me, pressing his lips to mine as I took a breath of air before going under. We resurfaced to see that Sawyer and Marley were sitting beside the pool in beach chairs. "Suckahs!" Sawyer shouted, "You guys are wet before noon!" "That's what she said." Joey yelled back. I laughed, "Who is she and why is she saying all these things?"

Marley couldn't help but laugh. "Does she say, 'In A-minor?" Marley asked, laughing her head off. I nodded quickly. Joey and I got quiet and read each other's minds. We both swam over to Sawyer and Marley, me and Sawyer and Joey and Marley. We grabbed their hands and pulled them in.

"Ashlee!" Sawyer yelled as we came up. "Joey!" Marley shouted. Joey and I swam over to each other, high fived, and kissed. "Who's the suckahs now?" "Well since we're all in here, I feel like we're missing something." Sawyer said. "Hitchie!" Hitch came running out and automatically jumped in for Sawyer. "Hitch!" Marley called as he swam to us. She lifted him up and Sawyer and her kissed him. Hitch wiggled out of her arms and made a big splash as he fell back into the water. "Hitch!" we all shouted in unison.

They Stole our Hearts ~ Joey Graceffa and Sawyer HartmanWhere stories live. Discover now