The Flames of Fear

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Bryon heard the mob before anyone else. Sighing, he left the meeting where so many politicians fought over how to get their nation out of the recession. His parents would be safe; the Chief of Agriculture was a very important person in the small nation of Stol. With farming being the largest source of income for the country, the Chief had a good number of guards. Bryon's father was even second in power only to the king in most circumstances. He could marry couples, preside in court and was even given command of a division of the military in times of war.

Leaving the small meetinghouse Bryon started for the other side of Stol City where his best friend Marcus lived. Marcus was in a slightly poor family of all girls, except for him and his father. Bryon's and Marcus's parents had been childhood friends and later in life had helped each other in the others' endeavors. They would be glad to see Bryon. Marcus was so energetic and unpredictable that he was sure to bring Bryon out of his deep well of sadness.

Just as Bryon turned the corner down the street to Marcus's house he heard a window shatter. Looking back Bryon saw that the angry mob had reached the meeting house and started throwing stones at the guards, who were trying to hold the crowd back, and protect the building behind them. Just as Bryon turned to continue to Marcus's house he heard a whoosh of air, followed by a small explosion. Looking back, Bryon watched as a few people in the crowd started throwing molotov cocktails at the guards. As the guards scattered to avoid the flames, the crowd surged forward and into the building. Watching in horror Bryon watched as the mob dragged out his parents, followed by the king as well.

Bryon's mother was kicking and screaming, trying to break loose. Someone in the mob grabbed a fallen branch and knocked his mother unconscious. Bryon's father visibly swelled with anger and would probably have beat the crowd back with his bare hands to save his wife, when Bryon's eyes met his. "Go..." he mouthed to Bryon, just before a man pulled a bag over his head.

Bryon was so shocked that he might have just stood there all night, until he saw a man who had followed his father's gaze, now looking right at Bryon. "There's the kid!" shouted the man and the entire mob started after Bryon. Bryon took off. He never thought something like this could ever happen to him.

Bryon quickly lost the mob through alleys and backstreets, then started on a circuitous path to his home. When he was just a block away, he stopped short , hearing shouting, and seeing a bright glow ahead. Looking up the street he found another mob burning down his home. Hurrying away Bryon had to stop in an alley hidden from view by a garbage truck.

Catching his breath, Bryon tried to regain control of his emotions. He wanted to scream in anger, weep in sadness and on an even lower level, felt no emotion at all. Suddenly Bryon's thoughts turned to Marcus's family, outspoken supporters of Bryon's parents. If Bryon's family was targeted, it was only a matter of time before they turned to other people as well. Bryon couldn't just stand by, he had to help. Thinking quickly Bryon ran on to Marcus's house.

When he arrived he found the family hurriedly packing food, blankets and other essentials. Marcus's parents were worried as well, and had prepared to flee when the mobs had formed. Helping the family to pack, Bryon told them what he had seen. "We'll have to try and find Jason later." said Marcus's dad, using Bryon's father's given name. "We've got to get out of here first."

Bryon shouldered some of the family's provisions and left the house with them, just as they heard another mob coming. The group ran through the streets heading south. Surprisingly, no one tried to stop them. They made their way out of the city. Soldiers were marching in, but it was too dark to see if it was their own army, their ally's or their enemy's to the north.

Heading for the Derson, their ally's, border seemed their best course, so they headed south by the light of flashlight. The border was a half mile below the capitol, but the distance seemed to take hours to traverse. Half way there, a figure appeared out of the darkness, with a pack on it's back. They were running from the city, and as they entered the light of their flashlights Bryon recognized that it was Halley, a friend from school. She was not extremely popular or athletic, but was quite brilliant and Bryon really liked her. "Halley? What are you doing out here? Where is your family?" he asked. "They sided with the mobs, and I had to leave. It wasn't safe for me." she said. "Anyways, the pretty princess Sarah-Lyn said that you and I were a couple and like this." she said, knitting her fingers together and making kissy lips. "The mob listened to her and came after me, to try and get you to come out for me. I barely made it out of there."

Bryon was at a loss for words. He had never told anyone, not even Halley that he liked her. "You're being very brave." he said, and they quickly offered her a place with them on their journey. She agreed, and smiled. "Thanks." she said. The slightly larger group now set off again. Crossing the border they approached a small town. Bryon stopped them when they saw a large fire in the center of the town. "Oh no, what if the soldiers are attacking here too?" cried Marcus's youngest sister, no older than eight.

Thinking quickly Bryon started thinking up a plan. "Okay, Marcus, Halley and I will go in and see what is happening. If we are not back by dawn go hide in the forest just east of here. We will be back as soon as possible." he said. "Don't talk like that!" said Marcus's little sister, almost starting to cry. "Don't worry, we'll be back." said Halley hugging the girl.

Skirting the edge of the town the trio and the family just outside the town. Marcus's sister finally started bawling and the family had to leave before someone heard her. Using a large warehouse to shield them from view, Marcus, Halley and Bryon made their way into town. About two blocks from the town center the three heard a wave of sound, or shouts and cheers rising and falling like the tide. A block closer and they could hear a man addressing his large audience.

"... and to answer your question young sir, why are we attacking our allies, the Stol? Why they are owners of the only fertile land on this island and only give us a fraction of their produce. We who survive in this desert, and live in the blazing heat should rule this land. the only reason they signed a treaty with us was for the use of our strong warriors. Our enemies, the Arkenif up in the north won't know until it's too late."

Now half a block away Bryon was able to see the large fire and the man beside it. Bryon recognized the man as bill Crighton, the Ambassador of Foreign Affairs for the Derson government. Mr. Crighton was a nice looking, librarian like man, except his lack of glasses and well muscled body. His dark eyes sparkled as he smiled at his captive audience. "We are the superior people on this island, and it is our right to rule! What should we do, but give the strong shepherd to the masses with our government? Come forward and show your allegiance by burning all your Stol imports and join the ranks of a force that shall reign supreme!"

Bryon saw many people shout triumphantly andrush forward to burn their Stol ties. "Sickening, they want to turn us allinto mindless zombies. They will defy our treaty in their pursuit ofpower. That's where all the soldiers came from, right here!" hesaid. "Yes, we must have seemed like a Derson family returning to thehomeland and that must be why we weren't stopped." Halley said. Suddenlygasping she said, "We've got to get back to Marcus's family! We're all ingrave danger!"    

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