Movies and Cuddles

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     It was 10:48 pm on a murky October evening. I was sitting in a large, leather armchair, halfway into Asylum by Madeleine Roux. About halfway into reading a sentence about Felix trying to stab Dan with a scalpel, I heard the loud ringing of the doorbell. I lethargically got out my comfy seat and went to the door only to find an audaciously dusky, fiery eyed man standing there.

    "Vin, what are you doing here so late? And in the rain, no less." I questioned, cocking my head to the side.

     "I have a collection of Disney movies and coke." was all he had to say before I pulled him inside.

     While taking Vincent inside I noticed how wet he was, "How long were you waiting out there before ringing the doorbell?"

     "Just a few minutes." was his response. Though he acted fine, I could tell he was freezing.

     "You look cold, hold on let me get a towel."

     I quickly ran to the bathroom to get a towel, and noticed how flushed my face was.

     "Here, hold still." I said softly as I slowly, stripped off his shirt and started drying his chest. Once I felt him all over and made sure he was completely dry I handed him back his shirt.

     "You good now?", I asked him.

     "Y-yeah", was his response, his face almost completely red.

    We settled down and picked up a random movie from the pile, it turned out to be Lady and the Tramp. After about an hour of movie binging, I got hungry.

     "I'm going to pop some Jiffy Pop, want some?" I asked, standing up, walking to the kitchen.

     "Sure~" he smiled. My face turned a slight shade of pink as I nodded.

     After I took the popcorn from the stovetop, I dumped the entire thing into a large bowl before I walked back to the couch where Vincent patted me over.

     I felt my face redden once again as I sat next to him. He chuckled and hit the play button as we continued to watch the movie.

     Suddenly, I felt him wrap an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his soft chest. Now, that ladies and gents, is how my face finally exploded that night.

    "You're so cute when you're embarrassed, you know that?" he whispered into my ear as he pulled me even closer, which was somehow possible even if I was practically merged with him.

     As my face was pressed against him, I accidentally inhaled a breeze of a fresh, woodsy smell. It was hard to describe, but it was an amazing smell. Something that I honestly could get addicted to.

     "Hey babe, the screen's in front of us." I heard Vincent say, instantly causing me to sit up and back up to the far end of the couch. Vincent looked a little startled by my actions and I couldn't blame him; I was pretty abnormal if I do say so myself.

     "S-sorry, I was just, uh, kinda tired, that's all!" I stuttered out.

     "No, it's okay; I like it when you're in your weird stage. Here, why don't we just cuddle for the rest of the movie, hmm?" he suggested kindly.

     I slowly nodded and scooted myself inch by inch back over to him. This time, once I was sitting right next to him, he gently placed his hand over mine and held it tightly. He then wrapped his other arm around me to lift me up onto his lap.

     For some reason, I could always tell when Vincent was planning something dirty, but this time, all I could get from his gesture was that he just had innocent intentions.

     I smiled and turned my eyes towards the movie while our hands, which were now intertwined, rested on my lap.

     And once the credits rolled, the both of us were sleeping soundly, hand in hand.

                                    He sure was a cute guy. Cuddles and all. 

Movies and Cuddles; Vincent x reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now