The Afterlife 3

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The Afterlife 3

5 years later:

"I'm too young to be here" Jeremy said. "I know, but this is the happiest place there is" his father, Liam, said. "You died when I was 10, do you have any idea how much I've missed you?" Jermey said before hugging Liam again. "I know, I've missed you too." Liam said. "New arrival? Found your dad? How nice." Art said. "Who're you?" Jeremy said. "I sorta work here." Art replied. "Why do you have that paint on your face?" Jeremy asked. "Celebrating a holiday we have in Heaven." Art said.  "Oh, how long have you been here?" Jeremy asked. "30 years." Art said. "Oh, wow." Liam said, surprised himself. "So, what exactly happened to you?" Art asked in a casual tone. "Yeah, son. What happened? You're only 16." Liam asked. "Well, I'm not entirely sure. I was building a treehouse when I either full or it collapsed. All I know is I don't even remember hitting the ground." Jeremy said. "Oh my lord." An 18 year old with oranges and green stripes painted onto his face said as he walked over. "Jeremy, Liam, this is Sean, my nephew." Art said. "Hi there. So you're new here?" Sean asked. "Yes." Jeremy said. "Let me show you around." Art said. Jeremy looked at Liam who followed him with Art and Sean. "Hey, Sean. Where's your brother?" Art asked. "Off somewhere with Casey." Sean said. "Oh, okay." Art said. "So, can I ask how you got here?" Jeremy asked. "Oh you don't have to say it like that, call it what it is: death." Sean said. "O-okay. How did you die?" Jeremy asked. "Well, my brother and I were murdered by this guy who wanted to be with my girlfriend, his name was George." Sean explained. "I fell asleep in the cold and died of hypothermia." Art stated. "Oh, I'm sorr-" Jeremy began. "-No, don't be sorry. Nobody here should say that because we're ALL dead." Art said. "Good point." Jeremy said. "So, what all is here to do?" Jeremy asked. Liam walked up to Art. "Um, I think I should show him." Liam said. "Oh, um, of course. A father son bonding experience." Art said. Liam put his arm around Jeremy and the two walked off. Sean turned and noticed a ghostly woman holding a baby and crying. He walked up to them. "Did you two just get through at Door 7822?" Sean asked. "Y-yes." She said. "What happened?" Sean asked. "Well, I don't know. I felt a pain, collapsed, and that was it. A few minutes after, my baby was carried to me as a ghost by an angel." She said. "Oh, that's terrible." Sean said. "I know." The woman said through tears. She was a young woman. She looked a little slender and had long black hair that was tied in a lose ponytail. Sean took her hand and guided her to a bench. "Ever hear the phrase: "I'll wait on a beach in Heaven until you get here?" Sean asked. "Y-yes." She said. "Well, as you can see, they're actually here." Sean said as he gestured his hand for her to look at the endless row of benches. "But, now will my family know where to come?" She asked. "Didn't a family member bring you in?" Sean asked. "No, there was nobody." She said. "What's your name?" Sean asked. "My name is Chloe." She said. "This is my daughter, Sophie." The woman said as she looked down  at her sleeping baby. "Well, it's nice to meet you both." Sean said as he shook her free hand. "What's that paint on your face for?" Chloe asked. "Oh, this?" Sean said as he rubbed his face. "This is for The Fourth Easter." Sean said. "I thought there was only one." Chloe said. "That's one of the things you learn up here. See, we made it to Heaven, we deserve to learn and celebrate the other three. That group now includes you. I truly mean this: congratulations. You've earned eternal love." Sean said. "Thank you so much, I don't even know what to say. This is just all so new to me." Chloe said. Just then, Chelsey walked over. Just like a few of the others, she had on some optional face paint. Her design was a thick layer of white paint with red and blue lines all over it. "Hey, honey. Who's this?" Chelsey asked. "This is Chloe and her baby, Sophia. They just got here." Sean said. "Isn't it so cool to see a long lost loved one when they bring you in that first time?" Chelsey asked. "Actually, nobody brought me in." Chloe said. "Oh, are you parents still alive down there or something?" Chelsey asked. "No, I have no idea where they are." Chloe said. "Well, we can certainly help track them down." Art said as he walked over to them. "Really?" Chloe said, becoming excited. "Wait, is that paint for America? It's red white and blue, how patriotic." Chloe said. "No, no. Don't get me wrong, I still love America, that's where I lived my first layer of life." Chelsey said. "Layer?" Chloe asked. "Yup, I prefer not to call this a second life, just the second, much thicker layer." Chelsey said. "Oh, that's cool." Chloe said. "Oh and no, the colors just look pretty, I'm more patriotic about Heaven than any other place at this point." Chelsey said with a warm smile. Art motioned for her to hand him her baby. She stopped for a moment and then did. He held Sophia in one hand and used his other hand to pull Chloe to her ghostly feet. "Thank you. Before we go, I have a question." Chloe said. "Yes?" Art asked as he handed Sophia back to her. Chloe rubbed her little blond hair. "Will she ever grow up? Like, will she remain 3 months old forever?" Chloe asked. "Well, yes and no. She will age to the equivalent of 25 years old. Most people stay the age they were when they died, that's why I'm still 59 and Sean there is 18. But babies, they don't have to stay as small, voiceless little people for eternity. She will age, reach her prime, and stay there for an eternally blissful life." Art said. "Interesting, but I thought there was no suffering in Heaven. I was just crying." Chloe said. "This is a place of exactly what you need and want, would you really want to spend an eternity feeling only happiness?" Chelsey asked. "No, that would be so boring" Chloe said. Art winked at her. "Exactly." He said as he turned and walked away. They followed him. They came to a large building with no door, just a beautifully decorated entranceway. "No doors?" Chloe asked. "Right, this place's environment is pure perfecting. We don't have to keep the bad weather and temperature out, we don't have to protect against criminals and vile people, those people aren't allowed here." Art said. "They go to Hell, right?" Chloe asked. "Yes, but it's not all fire and brimstone, that would distract them from the emotional torment they deserve. In that instance where you've burned your finger, you're not thinking about anything else. The Lord above, well, The Lord here, doesn't want that, they deserve to focus on that and that alone." Sean said. "I've always wondered, is it below the ground on Earth or in another dimension entirely. Sorry I asked so many questions, it's just that very always had these questions with nobody to answer them. Well, some religious leader could give their opinion based upon the text they've studied  which I respect, but you guys have been here and you know." Chloe said. "Oh, please don't be sorry. These are all good questions. In fact, people have jobs here. Not for money, everything is free, but for the routine they so desire or to block sheer boredom. Yes, there is boredom in Heaven but it doesn't last, they're always things to do here. Anyway, He'll is right over there." Art said as he pointed to a mirror. "What? That's just a mirror." Chloe said. "Correct, but it's a two-way mirror. They sit on the other side of the indestructible mirror and watch as we enjoy peace. See, it's more just than burning. They never felt bad enough for us in life to treat us well, so now they still can't feel the opposite, what they never felt in life: happy for us. They're being burned by their jealousy and clawed at by their own envy as they watch us see our loved ones and enjoy the sanctity of Heaven." Art said. Chloe didn't take her eyes off of the mirror. "Do you think that's where my parents are?" Chloe asked. "If they are, you won't feel bad for them, that's not what you deserve. You don't have to sit here knowing they're suffering." Sean said. "Well, I do notice that I don't feel bad for the people on the other side of the mirror. I always had a big heart, I never wanted to see anyone suffer, not even the truly evil individuals that walked the earth. Them being over there just feel, right." Chloe noted. "It is right, it's justice, karma." Chelsey reiterated. "Okay, let's find those parents of yours." Art said as they walked through the frames entrance of the building. "What is this place?" Chloe said as she looked around at the polished floors. It looked much larger inside than the outside. Palm trees in shiny brown pots with fresh black soil with a few whites pebbles mixed in lined two walls of the place. There was the opposite of a line to wait, there was a row of desks lining the other wall. There was a stone column with a single vine that was freshly cleaned, green and had red, purple and pink flowers on it wrapped around it. There didn't seem to be a ceiling, just a sheet of bright white light that looked to be at least 500 feet up. "This is a directory for locating the spirits that reside in Heaven." Chelsey said. "So, what were there names?" Art asked as he walked to a computer at a desk. "I'm not sure." Chelsey said. "What?" Sean asked, surprised. "My dad died when my mom was pregnant with me and my mom died a few weeks after I was born." Chloe explained. "Oh, well, we can put in their year of death and name of their daughter, you." Art said. "Well, my mom died 32 years ago." Chloe said. Art pecked at the keys after opening a tab. He came to a box that said 'daughter's name'. "I heard you say your name is Chloe, what's your last name?" Art asked. "Well, my adopted last name is Sanderson, but I'm not even sure what my mom's last name was." Chloe said. "Okay, so she died 32 years ago and had a daughter named Chloe, I'll do the search with that information, cross your fingers, folks." Art said just before hitting a large button in the center of the keyboard. The thin computer emitted a series of technological noises and Art's eyes widened. "Ummm..." He said. "What? What is it?" Chloe said. "Uhhhh..." Art said. "Oh lord, they're in Hell, aren't they?" Chloe said. Art closed the computer and walked off. "Uncle Art, what's wrong?" Sean asked. Art kept walking. Sean turned around and looked at the screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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