Red Dead Redemption: A tribute to John Marston (One Shot)

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 Seeing my father's body, it had to be one of the hardest things. My mother, she just collapsed. He may not have been the best father, he may have left us, he may have run with a gang, but he always kept one thing at the top. He kept us safe. He ran all over the country, killing his old friends, who were basically his family, to save his wife and son.

 His bullet- holed body sent chills up my spine. I held my mother, who was shaking at this point, tears pouring out, and I only had one thing on my mind. You broke your promise. You left us again. Why didn't you try to run pa? Why did you stay? 

And if his voice was in the wind around us, I heard him.

 I was tired of running Jack. I was tired of putting you two in danger, all because of my past. Take care of your mother. I love you Jack.

 And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the story that my father could never tell himself. Not without a drink in his hand, and a whole night to waste.

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