The Mysterious Call

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 On a cold winter day, when the watch was four o'clock in the morning and the cold was freezing everything. I and Samir were outside walking in the way to home with red noses, and hands in pockets couldn't get them out, after a very tiring night celebrating our friend, Akram's, twenty First birthday.  It was an exciting party, with a number of people invited; his family, friends, schoolmates… Everyone was there due to his popularity from a rich family. I knew him since my first day here in this city, when I met him for the first time. That was before three years ago, he was by my side helping me to know a lot about the city and its people. I was a newcomer at the time in order to continue my studies in college. I didn't know anyone. Actually, I was almost lost, but Akram was really a good friend, from the first minute when I talked with him in the library. He helped me to find my way in this large city, but I'm not as popular as he is.

  With sleepy eyes I said goodbye to my friend, Samir, and then everyone goes home, everything was in calm that night, no sounds and no moves, all neighbors were in a deep slumber. slowly I got to the flat where I live alone and took my shoes and coat off,  then I jumped on my bed feeling the fatigue of my body, my eyes automatically closed, and no longer moves ...

  let's tell you about myself, my name is Adam I’m Twenty years old, I left home and family three years ago and traveled here for college, I live in a flat in the center of the city where I found many friends, most of them came from different places for the same goal I came for,  

“Adam! Adam!” a voice called through the kitchen door, with another calling from the living room. The first voice sounded like a female, the second one sounded like a male.

I replied, “Who’s there?”

“Come, Adam, come,” the female voice said, but the male voice spoke again.

“No, Adam, no,” it called out. “I’ll lead you to the right way,” the male voice continued.

The female voice just kept saying, “Just come, Adam. I want to show you something.” then she turned it to an evil laugh.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes with a phone call, I looked right and left.

"Ohh, it was a nightmare", with a hardly breathe I took my phone and "Hello! ... Hello!" but no answer, the call ended. I thought that someone wrongly called, because of the weird number.

"Anyways, thanks for saving me from that nightmare" I said with a smile.

It was 4:30, I closed my eyes with thinking in my plans for the day, it was Sunday, so I decided to stay at home and clean it up, it was been a long while since I last cleaned it..

When I woke up and while having breakfast, I thought a little about the two voices "come, and don't come" then I laughed so loud.

"Who are you guys? What do you want from me?"  Crazily talking with myself...

 I ended my breakfast and I started cleaning the small living room, and then I found an envelope under the vase on TV table, I don't have a TV so I put the vase, it was a letter  without a name, I didn't know who put it there,

"Many friends visited me this week, so maybe one of them wants to tell me something by this letter, who knows?", then I put the letter away to read it later.

That was how we  were connect between us despite of having phones and chatting through internet, it stay an old way but sending hand letters has its own taste, and Gathers many feelings.

 4:00 in the afternoon, I ended cleaning all the flat and I sat to take a breath.

"Finally, everything looks new again" I said looking around me. Then I took the letter. "Should I open it now? Or no, maybe it's not for me, maybe someone forgot it there", I put it down and went to the kitchen to eat something, I felt hungry after a long day. While I was eating some cakes I bought the last night, I heard my phone rings in the bedroom. Then I went fastly to answer, I thought that was my family, but no it was the same number again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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