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5 Years ago

"We have to think about the other students' comfortability and safety, so we're going to have to move her to a different dorm,'' his apathetic voice muffled by the heavy wooden door. I could hear my mother yelling, my dad trying to calm her down. I could feel her anger in the hall, the heat making me sweat. I fidgeted with my hands watching my feet dangle in front of me. Mom was angry, well pissed was more accurate. She berated the stout man, some choice words being hurled his way. I could see the scene in my mind so clearly, my fathers hand resting on her shoulder even though she had grown so hot she was basically in flames. My mothers face beet red as she screamed at the headmaster, her hair a cloud of ginger fury making her form more intimidating. And that poor old guy, his bald head slick with sweat basically in his shoulders pushing his body into his chair as much as he could to escape my mother's wrath.

My attention was ripped away as I heard a bang down the hall, my pointed ears twitching at the sound. My eyes wander, landing on Ms.Stoker. She was already staring, the crow's feet around her eyes prominent with disgust. She kept staring even as I caught her. I knew what the old bag was thinking, her emotions evident down to the way she was breathing. She didn't trust me at all, and even that was an understatement. she saw me as a plight on this world, this universe even, and she wasn't alone. Most of the school did too. Her thin cracked lips opened as though to say something but were snapped shut as one of my teachers dragged in a young boy from my grade, his face smeared with dirt, a goofy grin splitting his head even as the old bat had him by the ear. Stoker quickly paints a smile on her lips, an unusual shine appearing in her eyes as they land on the unkept boy.

A sickly sweet drawl escapes from her mouth, "Mr. Morningstar, what brings you here? Coming to say hello I hope."

His smile drops as he scrunches his nose. He looks around his eyes finally landing on me. They were strange, I had never seen eyes that color before. His irises were golden, reminding me of a reptile. The imagery stripped him of what little charm he had in my mind. His face contorted, the large masses of hair he called eyebrows slanting downward in annoyance. I rolled my eyes as he trudged toward the chair right next to me. I scooted myself to the right my butt almost hanging off the seat. I tried to be as far away from him as possible. Every other chair was empty but he still chose that one chair. He plopped down a cloud of dust coming from the impact. My face contorted with disgust. I could feel it. How could he get so filthy? It was the middle of the day, and he was in all of my classes so I knew we werent outside at this time. So how, how at his age of 13 did he get as dirty as a toddler playing in a mud puddle. He sniffed loudly, I guess trying to get my attention. I looked over from my perch on the edge of my chair. His smile had returned, as he leaned forward close enough to see that one of his canines was missing.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt ya."

"I know."

"then what are you doing over there"

"you're filthy"

"it's just dirt"

"dont care"

his hand snaked toward me cause me to lean back further. "It won't kill ya. I promise." his finger got closer and closer. my eyes trained on it leaving me cross eyed. "STOP." I yelped, jumping out of my chair. standing stiffly in front of the door. "Dont fucking touch me" I seethed through gritted teeth.

The door flew open, the quick motion making my head snap to the left. My mother was there gripping the door knob with white knuckles, her face pink. Her gaze softened a bit as she saw me.

"What happened?" we say in unison. I didn't think I had screamed that loud. I looked over at the boy, a snicker turning into loud laughter as he saw my face. I turned away quickly, waiting for my parents' response. My father got to my level to explain.

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